Page 62 of Not Sorry

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“When did you take a pregnancy test?” the doctor asks.

I think for a moment. “About two weeks ago.”

“How many tests did you take then?”

“Just the one.” I dig into my purse, pull out my phone with the picture I took of the positive pregnancy test, and show the doctor.

The doctor laughs and visibly relaxes. “I was worried that you’d had a miscarriage, and that is always hard news to break to someone because pregnancy tests these days are almost always accurate. But looking at this picture shows that isn’t true.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, not understanding.

“I’m so sorry, Olive, but you aren’t pregnant. You just read the test wrong.”

My eyes shoot wide open, and a grin creeps over my face. “I’m not pregnant?” I say, not believing it.

“I’m sorry again, but you’re not pregnant. I’ll give you two a few moments alone,” the doctor says, getting up.

I turn to Sean. “I’m not pregnant.”

“Are you okay with that?” he asks hesitantly, not sure what to say.

I laugh. “I’m more than okay with it.”

He laughs and scoops me up in his arms, spinning me around. “I can’t believe you read the test wrong. Let me see.”

I show him the image on my phone.

He laughs. “Two pink lines mean you’re pregnant. One line means you’re not.”

I blush. “I read the instructions quickly.”

Sean shakes his head. “I love you even though you’re always going to keep me on my toes.”

I smile. “You’d better.”

“So, what now? What do you want, Olive?”

I think for a moment. “I want you to use that butt plug like you did in Anal Adventures 3.”

Sean laughs. “So, you watched some of my porn movies?”

I bite my lip. “I needed something to get me through these last couple of weeks.”

Sean kisses me. “I’ll give you anything you want. Babies, houses, jets, and of course, all the sex you could ever want.”

“What if I just want the sex and put a hold on all the rest? Would you regret going out with me if it meant that you might be giving up the mansion and two-point-five kids?” I ask, not sure how he is going to respond.

“As long as I have you, that’s all that matters.”

He kisses me again, and I lose myself in the kiss. I want him. Now. But we are in an exam room. We have to make it to one of our apartments first.

“We need to stop,” I say.


“Because you can’t fuck me in a doctor’s office,” I whisper, like the room is bugged and someone can hear us.

But Sean grins, and I forget about everything else.

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic