Page 27 of Not Sorry

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“He kissed another girl in a bar on our anniversary. So, I broke up with him. He’s a douche bag, just like you always said he was.”

Keri looks down, not meeting my eyes.

“What are you not telling me?” I ask.

Keri slowly looks up at me. “It’s just…are you sure he was cheating on you?”

I jump up in disbelief at what Keri is suggesting. “You can’t be serious! You’ve hated Owen since the day I first started dating him! Of course he was cheating on me! I saw it with my own eyes! He was making out with another girl!”

Keri gets up. “I know, I know. But you didn’t hear him on the phone last night, Olive. He was…heartbroken.”

“So what? I hope he was heartbroken. How do you think I felt when I found him with his lips locked on another girl?”

Keri sighs. “I know, Olive. It must have felt horrible. But…but what if you were wrong?”

“How could I have been wrong? I saw him kissing another girl!”

She nods. “But was it a quick kiss or a full make-out session?”

“Why does it matter? He was kissing another girl!”

“What if the girl he was with was his sister?”

I laugh. “That’s sick if it was his sister. They were making out!”

She shakes her head. “Were they? You just said a second ago that you couldn’t remember if they were making out or if it was just one quick kiss.”

My head is pounding as I think about Owen as I pace around the room. “They were definitely making out.”

Keri grabs my arms, forcing me to stop pacing around the room and look at her. “I seriously doubt that. Because I know for a fact that it was his sister who was with him last night. And, since I didn’t get any weird vibes from them when they came over here together, I seriously doubt they were making out. It was more than likely just some friendly quick kiss between siblings.”

I shake my head. “I know what I saw. He was cheating on me with that bitch.”

Keri sighs. “No, he wasn’t.”

I shake her hands off me. “And how would you know?”

“Because he came over here, and I talked to him. I talked to his sister. She’s really a nice person. And, while Owen hasn’t always treated you the best, after talking to him last night, I do really think that he loves you and will try to do better in taking care of you.”

I shake my head. “That’s not possible. He doesn’t love me. He’s treated me like dirt all these months we have been together,” I say as strongly as I can, but my voice breaks.

“Olive…he was going to propose last night. That’s why his sister is in town. She brought him their grandmother’s ring. He was going to propose to you last night. And how he was going to do it was good, Olive. He went all out with fireworks, a carriage ride, the whole bit.”

“But…” I can’t speak as my legs give out beneath me.

Keri catches me, and we both slink down to the floor.

I stare at Keri as one tear escapes from my eye. “Are you sure? You’re sure he didn’t cheat on me?”

Keri nods.

“You’re sure he was going to propose?”

She nods again.

“You really think he loves me?”

She exhales. “Yes.”

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic