Page 25 of Not Sorry

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I know it without opening my eyes. He thought he was being sneaky this morning when he snuck out of bed, threw on clothes, and then typed a message onto my phone. He thought I was sound asleep. That he had fucked me so hard last night that I wouldn’t even be able to function until hours later.

But he doesn’t know me at all.

I grin. Well, he knows me a little bit. He knows the sound I make when he enters me. He knows the look on my face when I come. He knows every imperfection on my body. He knows exactly how to fuck me. He just doesn’t know me.

He doesn’t know that I’m used to waking up early. That I hardly ever get any sleep.

But, when he left early this morning, I acted like I was asleep. I didn’t let him know that I was awake. I’m not going to become a clingy girl who needs him to basically propose to me the morning after. I got what I needed out of him. Sex. And, now, it’s time to forget about Owen.

Honestly, right now, I appreciate that there will be some distance between us. The distance will help with the awkwardness when I see him at work on Monday.

I stretch and yawn as I roll over to grab my phone and read the message he left for me.

“Ow,” I moan as I move. Damn, I’m sore.

I click on the message and read it.

I got a call. I need to handle some emergencies that came up at work. Help yourself to any food you can find in the condo. Your training will continue Monday.


I sigh. He lied to me. He didn’t get a call this morning. He just jumped out of bed like it was on fire, and he couldn’t get out of here fast enough.

I read through the message several more times, searching for any kind of clue as to what Sean does for a living or how he feels about me. But I find nothing, no matter how many times I read it.

He gives no clue to what he does for a living, and it’s pretty obvious how he feels about me. He fucked me, and now, he’s done with me. I’m going to be lucky if I even still have a job on Monday. Because I have a feeling that, if I fuck up at work, then I’m done. He doesn’t need the hassle. Plus, if I’m gone, then he can hire a new assistant he can fuck.

He said I could help myself to his food, but I have a better idea.

I get out of bed, shivering immediately from the cold air. I wrap my arms around my body and begin searching the floor for my clothes, but I can’t find them. I sigh. Shit. I’m going to have to wear some of his clothes out of here.

I walk toward the bathroom and then stop when I see a white robe hanging in the doorway that wasn’t there before. I hesitantly pull the robe off the hanger like it’s going to bite me or something and then put it on.

“Oh my God!” I moan as I wrap the soft robe around my body. It’s the softest, most comfortable thing I have ever worn. I walk into the bathroom and find my clothes nicely folded up on the counter.

Did Sean do that?

He must have because no one else came into the room to collect them, just like he must have put out the robe for me, knowing I would be cold the second I stepped out of the bedroom. I blink, thinking I’ve imagined this. That the same guy who flipped me over and fucked me against the bed just for him last night would do something so considerate as folding my clothes and putting out a robe blows my mind.

I don’t understand Sean any more than he understands me.

I grin. But I know how Sean looks naked, I know how his tongue can do things to me I never thought were possible, and I know how hard his dick is when it drives inside me. And that is all I care to know about Sean. Everything else doesn’t matter. I already know that he is a jerk in every way that matters. He just happens to be better than any man I’ve ever fucked combined in bed.

* * *

I decide to just wear the robe while I go in search of breakfast, but as I walk down the hallway to the main open room, I stop at a door that I don’t remember seeing when Sean led me to his bedroom last night. Curious, I open the door, but I’m let down when I see just a large desk sitting in the center of the room, looking out the large floor-to-ceiling windows, instead of a sex dungeon or some other crazy thing that I imagine Sean having.

I start walking toward the kitchen, my stomach leading the way, when my curiosity gets the better of me. I walk back to his office and sit down at his desk. I glance up in the corners of the room, looking for a camera or some sort of security system that is watching me, but I find none.

It doesn’t mean they aren’t there, I think.

I sit for a minute, trying to decide if my curiosity is worth the punishment that Sean is going to give me if he finds out that I searched through his office.

It’s worth it.

I start opening drawers, searching through papers and files, looking for anything that will let me know what Sean does for a living when he’s not running Jamie’s company. Because, as much as I wish that I didn’t care at all about figuring out Sean, I do care. At least, I care enough to find out what dark, dirty thing he does to make the millions that he has

I don’t know what Sean does for a living, and I’m afraid I might never know. My curiosity is going to kill me if I don’t find out though. I spent three hours searching through his condo for any clue, but I found none. Not one damn thing that pointed me in any sort of direction.

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic