Page 16 of Not Sorry

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But it’s a lie. I’ve never tasted anything so smooth, sweet, and delicious as this glass of wine.

He raises an eyebrow.

“Fine. It’s delicious. Why do you have to be right all the time?”

He smirks. “I like being right. So, you’d better get used to it.”

“So, Mr. Right, what do you recommend I try from this appetizer platter since there is no way I’ll be able to eat it all along with whatever you ordered me for dinner?”

He laughs and then says, “Try the squash blossoms. But I would try to make room for a bite of everything.”

I sigh and take a bite of one of the squash blossoms. I close my eyes as the food swirls around my taste buds before I finally swallow. When I look up, I see Sean smiling at me.

“What?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Do you

know that you moan when you eat?”

“I do not.”

He laughs. “You just did.”

“Well, that is because this food is delicious.”

I take another bite and try not to moan, but I can’t help it. The food is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. I keep my eyes open this time while I eat, staring intently into Sean’s eyes. He swallows hard, like he is struggling with something as he watches me eat, but I can’t imagine a man like Sean struggling with anything.

I take a sip of the wine, and I watch his gaze shift from my mouth to my throat as the liquid goes down. It’s almost like…I’m turning him on. But that can’t be. He doesn’t find me attractive. I’ve messed up too many times for him to find me the least bit attractive. And it would be entirely inappropriate for anything to happen between us. He’s my boss.

But the way he is looking at me tells me something different. It tells me he wants me. And the way my heart is beating in return tells me something that I thought was impossible to feel. That I want him, too. Strictly in a sexual way. After all, from what I can tell with his clothes on, his body is all muscle. I’d love to see what is beneath his clothes.

I have a boyfriend though, whom I love deeply. I’m not going to throw a year away just so I can see what my boss looks like naked. I have to stop whatever is going on between us. Now.

“So, should we talk business since that is why I am here? What would you like to discuss?” I ask.

Sean smirks. “We don’t need to talk business. It would be a waste until I’m confident you have the skill set to be a leader. I don’t really think understanding how the company works is your problem. I’ll pay for you to take the realtor’s test, and I’m sure you’ll pass with no problem. Once you have the leadership skills, then we can talk business. That is the easy part to teach.”

I take another bite of food. “Then, why am I here? I thought you brought me here to train me.”

“I did.”

I blink rapidly. “I’m confused.”

“Eat, and then I’ll give you your first lesson,” Sean commands.

And so, we do. We eat mostly in silence, just enjoying our food. We don’t have to say much to each other because the food more than makes up for entertainment. It is the most delicious meal I have ever eaten. But, as our dinner comes to an end, I grow more and more anxious, trying to figure out what his plan is.

The waiter brings Sean the check, and I try my best not to snoop and find out how much this extravagant meal cost. But Sean doesn’t even glance at the number. He just throws his credit card down on the bill, like it’s nothing. I need to spend some time researching him later to understand what he does when he’s not driving me crazy. Then, maybe we can be on a level playing field.

“So, what is this training you have planned?” I ask.

Sean shakes his head. “You’re impatient, aren’t you, Olive?”

I frown. “No. Just curious.”

The waiter returns with the bill.

Sean signs the receipt and then gets up. “Follow me,” he says.

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic