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I sigh. I’ll have a mess to clean up tonight. Unlike Scarlett, I don’t have a maid to clean up after me. It’s not that I can’t afford one. I just like my own space. I don’t want someone coming into my home, touching my things.

I head to the other end of my closet, toward the clothes I just got after the last shoot I did. I find the black crop top that I was given. I take my simple white T-shirt off and replace it with the black crop top. I leave my dark skinny jeans on but replace my flats with a pair of black high heels.

I take a seat at the table in front of a large mirror where I begin to touch up my makeup. My long blonde hair is already curled as it hangs down my back. I apply some red lipstick to finish my look before I look at myself. I’m happy with what is staring back in the mirror until Scarlett stands behind me.

We are both models and both beautiful in our own right. But while I model for Seventeen magazine, Scarlett models for Victoria’s Secret. I look seventeen, and she looks twenty-five. Guys find me attractive, but guys want to sleep with her.

It’s for the best that guys never want to sleep with me. I shouldn’t date anyway, not when my father and grandfather are the ones who will be choosing who I marry.

“All right, I’m ready.” Scarlett glances at herself in the mirror one more time. “Let’s go.”

I grab a silver clutch, and I throw some cash and my ID into it. “Can I get my phone back now?”

Scarlett smiles. “Maybe.”

I roll my eyes.

I have a terrible feeling about tonight. I shouldn’t be doing this. My father is going to be pissed when I don’t call him tonight. But what’s the worst that can happen? I’ll get drunk and end up puking on Scarlett’s couch. My father will yell at me tomorrow for the first time in five years. Then, everyone will get over it. It’s not like one mistake can ruin your life.

Except, I think as I pause at the open door of my apartment, one mistake can.

I shake my head. That was five years ago. This is nothing like that. This time, it won’t be a mistake.

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Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic