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I laugh. “No.”

I can hear the audible sadness in both Nina and Eden’s voices.

“Don’t worry, Caspian and I are still going strong, I just don’t think either of us is ready to settle down and have kids.” I don’t add that I don’t think we will want kids ever. Our lives are too dangerous to add kids to.

“So what’s the exciting news?” Eden asks.

“I’ve finally found my passion! I’m officially a partner with Caspian and Adela in the security business. We install security systems in the worst of the worst homes and businesses, and then use that information to turn them over to the police or to kill them.”


I knew my news wouldn’t go over well, but finally, I get a response. “That’s amazing!” I hear them both say at the same time.

“Really, it’s amazing! I’m so proud of you. You are really going to make a difference. You are such a badass. You have the skills, and you know this world so well,” Nina says.

“Thank you.”

“Just wait a little until you tell your brothers. They won’t take the news well. They will probably try to ring Caspian’s neck for letting you do such a dangerous job, but you are going to do amazingly well.”

I smile. “I’ll wait until we come to your house Christmas to tell them.”

I hear a baby crying in the background. “We need to go. Be safe and visit soon. We all miss you.” The line is disconnected as the cries get louder in the background.

I smile. I miss them too.

Caspian comes into the living room carrying a plate of sandwiches. “How did it go?” he asks even though I know he heard every word of our conversation. The cons of living in such a small home. The pros far outweigh the cons though. I love being so close to Caspian all the time. This house feels cozy, like a real home, instead of the coldness of the mansion my family used to call home.

“Well, my sisters think it’s a great idea.”

Caspian raises his eyebrows. “And your brothers?”

“We agreed it was best to wait to tell them.”

Caspian laughs. “Good, that means I can live another day.”

I curl up next to him on the couch and snatch a sandwich off his plate.

“I love our life. And I love you for letting me risk my life, same as you.”

“It’s hard. Maybe one day it will get easier. But I can’t stop you from being the badass, warrior you are.”

I kiss him on the lips, smiling widely. I can’t get enough of him.

“I overheard your sisters-in-law though. Do you want to get married and have kids? Have the typical life?”

“No. I don’t have a need to get married. I already know I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you without a piece of paper telling me so. And kids, our lives are too dangerous to bring kids into the mix. All I need is you.”

“I feel the same way.” He rubs his nose against mine.

And I lean into the crook of his arm while I chomp down on my sandwich.

Arlo and Nina travel to stay safe from the dangers our family has put us in. They never stay in one place for long, and that keeps them safe.

Matteo and Eden use the distance of the US and Eden’s job as a prosecutor to keep them safe.

But Caspian and I confront the darkness head-on. Our lives are the riskiest, but it’s worth it to live the life we want.

Italy is my home, and I would never leave it. As for my childhood home I love, and for Clive and Erick, the remaining men on my revenge list, maybe one day I’ll face them and get my home back. As for now, I’ve realized I don’t need revenge to be happy or free. Love already set me free.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic