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But I can’t wait. I won’t let him rape me.

I grab for the waistband, find the metal gun, and shoot him in the leg.

Dante curses as he falls off of me. I scoot my body out from under him and stand to point the gun at him. Dante holds his hands up as he writhes in pain.

“You don’t have the balls to kill me,” Dante says.

I smirk. He doesn’t know I was the one who killed Roman. That I would kill him in a second without thinking if I didn’t think Caspian needed this more.

Caspian may not love me, but I love him. And we need to know that Adela is safe before we kill Dante. We may need him to get her back.

“You don’t think I will kill you?”


I shake my head, tightening my grip on the gun. “If you move an inch, I will shoot you.”

“I don’t think you will.”

He moves, and I shoot him in the other leg.

“Fuck you, bitch!”

I grin. “I’m not a liar. I will kill you if you move. I’ve killed plenty of men before. And even if I had

n’t, the things you did to me would have made me strong enough to kill you in an instant. The only reason you are continuing to breathe is that Caspian needs to kill you more than I do.”

Dante laughs. “You aren’t strong enough.”

“Gia’s plenty strong enough. Adela’s safe. Kill him, Gia,” Caspian says as he enters the room.

His words should be enough for me to pull the trigger, but I can’t do that. Caspian needs this more than me. He’s needed this for five years.

I lower the gun and hold it out to Caspian. “You need this more.”

Caspian holds onto the gun and then tries to push it back into my hands, but I won’t let him.

“I love you. Let this be my final gift.” I give him the gun, and then I step back. I may not get to kill Dante, but I can watch the white leave his eyes.

Caspian lifts the gun and aims it at Dante, and for the first time, I see fear in Dante’s eyes.

“You took Clara from me. You deserve to be tortured over and over for the pain you caused her. You stole her, tortured her, raped her, and then killed her. But I’m a compassionate person. I will kill you swiftly if you apologize for what you did.”

Dante shakes his head. “I never stole a Clara.”

Caspian’s finger tightens around the trigger. “You took her from me five years ago. And then threw her out with the trash like she was nothing. You were about to do the same thing to Gia and hundreds of other women. You remember her.”

“I don’t because she doesn’t exist.”

I can see Caspian’s rage grow as Dante admits he doesn’t remember Clara. Caspian has a lot of control, but he doesn’t have much control left.

“Admit what you did, you fucking cunt.”

Caspian’s hand shakes as he stares at Dante with all the pain he’s felt for years.

Dante turns from Caspian and looks at me with his lust-filled disgusting eyes.

I jump as the bullet leaves Caspian’s gun without warning. It hits Dante in the head, and he falls to the ground, dead in an instant.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic