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“Yes, I will. And by the time I leave here, you will be dead. If not by my hand, then by Caspian’s.”

He smirks. “Oh yes, Caspian. The man who stole you. I thought he stole you because he wanted you as his slave. But you look very well taken care of.”

I frown. I don’t want Dante talking about Caspian.

Dante walks closer to me, and I stand tall, ready to fight as best I can if he touches me.

“I have a feeling we will be meeting your new lover sooner rather than later. He won’t like that I get to touch you, not now that he’s had you. He will realize what a good prize you are.”

“I’m not a prize. I’m a person.”

Dante shrugs. “No, you are mine.” His hand clenches tightly around my arm, and I wince at the touch. Before a touch like that wouldn’t have affected me, but now it’s all I can think about. The pain shoots through me, making me realize how weak I am compared to him. If Dante wants to rape me, there isn’t much I can do to prevent it.

“And this time, when I’m finished with you, I will kill you before any man has a chance to take you again.”

I shiver at his words. He’s wrong. He will be dead long before me.

The door slams open, and Caspian stands in the doorway. His gun is drawn, and it’s pointed at Dante. I knew Caspian would come for me. He hurt me worse than Dante ever thought about hurting me, but he will do anything to protect me, even if he doesn’t love me.

Dante chuckles. “Nice of you to finally show up. I thought you were supposedly the best at security, but I was able to snatch her up with ease. It took you hours to even realize she was gone. I almost thought you weren’t coming, which would have been tragic, because then I would have had to hunt you down and kill you for taking what’s mine.”

“Let her go, Dante. Then we can work this out man to man,” Caspian says, his eyes searching me for signs of any trauma.

I’m fine, I mouth to him.

His shoulders relax when he realizes my words are true. Dante, on the other hand, hasn’t loosened his grip on my arm. I can’t move. And I don’t know how good of a shot Caspian is. Can he shoot Dante while missing me?

“You seem to be missing your partner though. Where is she?” Dante says.

“I’m here alone,” Caspian answers, and my eyes widen. I don’t want Adela here, but I’m not sure Caspian can take Dante and his men out on his own.

Dante chuckles. “You’re a terrible liar, Caspian.”

My heart stills at Dante’s words.

Dante’s phone buzzes, and he pulls it from his pocket casually, not acting like his life is currently in danger.

“Do you have her?” Dante asks.

There’s a pause.

“Good,” Dante says ending the call. “It appears my guards have your sister. They are under strict instructions to kill her within three minutes if you don’t arrive to save her. My insurance that I remain alive.”

Caspian’s eyes widen in fear. Sweat drips down his face as he tries to decide if Dante is lying or not. He can’t risk Dante not lying though.

“You’re lying,” Caspian says, and my heart stops. He can’t choose me over Adela. He has to save her first.

“Stay here, and we will find out,” Dante says.

“Adela’s pregnant,” I whisper through tears. She can’t die. She has a husband who loves her. She has a baby on the way. She has a future. She deserves to be happy and live.

“Please, save her,” I continue. I don’t add first. I doubt there will be time to save us both.

Caspian swallows down tears I see in his eyes. He looks at me, and then Dante, and then back to me. His eyes tell me he will be back, soon. And then he disappears before either of us have a chance to change our minds.

“Now that he is taken care of, where were we?” Dante asks.

“Your guards won’t kill Caspian. He’ll fight them off. He’ll save Adela. And then he will be back to kill you. So I suggest you spend your time running as far away as you can.”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic