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I don’t wait for Caspian to give me any permission to start a fight with Roman. I can’t wait.

I slam my heel into Roman’s groin.

He cries out, like I just stabbed him, and grips his balls in pain.

I smirk. It feels good to cause him some pain. My eyes see Caspian out of the corner of my eye, looking at Roman like he’s scum. I guess we won’t be doing much eating after all.

Caspian gets up and grabs Roman’s arm while he’s still writhing in pain. He pulls him toward a back room while I follow. I’m not going to miss a second of Roman’s pain.

When we get to the back room, Caspian slams the door shut behind us as he tosses Roman to the floor.

Roman takes his time getting up, still not realizing what danger he’s in. It will make it all the better when I kill him.

“Our deal is off. I won’t pay you anything to protect me when you let your whore disrespect me like that,” Roman says.

“Gia didn’t disrespect you,” Caspian says, his eyes red.

I stomp toward Roman, knowing he could strangle me, snap my neck, or pull a gun on me before I realized what was happening, but I need to be close to him to say what I need to say.

“I am not a whore,” I say, kicking Roman again.

He cries out but doesn’t fight back. Why doesn’t he fight back?

I glance behind me and see Caspian has a gun pointed at Roman. I smirk. This is where Caspian and I understand each other the most. In the darkness.

“I am not yours. I never was. You didn’t own me. You didn’t have the ability to sell me.”

I kick him again and again after each sentence, needing to get my frustration and anger out on him. He lets me and takes each punch and kick with a grunt or a groan. I watch as the blood slowly pours down his face.

“You are a fucking coward. A weak, shithole that didn’t have the balls to hurt me yourself. So you sold me. You sold me and pretended it was just a business transaction. That it didn’t bother you what happened to me next.

“Well, guess what? I was raped. I was beaten until I couldn’t move. I was violated until sex became torture. My life was threatened every day because of you.”

He cowers on the floor beneath me, curling up into himself.

“You are nothing to me. Fucking nothing!”

I take a deep breath, trying to get oxygen in my body as I keep yelling.

“You think you won. You got your money. You sold me, and I was no longer your problem. I told you I would come after you. I said you would pay for what you did. Today is that day.

“You think I’m weaker because of what you did, but I’m stronger. I’m your fucking nightmare.”

I kick him again, watching the blood spill from his eyes where my heel clipped him.

My body shakes with anger. I thought I wanted to torture Roman, make him suffer for hours or days, but he isn’t worth my time. I want him gone.

Caspian steps forward when I’ve finished all I need to say.

I think Caspian is going to shoot Roman. Eliminate him. Wipe him from my nightmares with one bullet.

Instead, Caspian thrusts the cold metal into my hand. I stare at the gun for a second. I don’t know if Caspian realizes how dark I am. The things that I have done in my past. He calls me princess, but I’m not a princess. I’m just as evil and twisted as him.

Roman won’t be my first kill. Not by a long shot. But I will remember this kill forever.

Caspian steps back, knowing I don’t need him by my side to do what has to be done. Roman needs to be killed, if for no other reason than to protect other women from the same fate.

But that’s not why I’m killing him though. I kill him for me.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic