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I’ll try running if my plan fails. I’m safe. Caspian won’t hurt me. Dante doesn’t know I’m here. And I can keep having mind-blowing sex. My life could be worse at the moment.


I move to the front door and rest my hand on the door handle. What would happen if I opened the door?

My pulse raises with anticipation. I bite my lip as I grin. I like playing devil’s advocate too much.

I turn the knob, surprised the door even opens. And then I step out on the small porch of the cabin. Nothing happens. No alarms sound. No men come racing out of the bushes to pull me back inside. Maybe Caspian was lying about the security?

I sigh. He’s not lying. Just not telling the whole truth. He knows I’m out here.

I walk down the three steps and sit on the bottom step, my feet hitting the gravel outside of the house for the first time since I arrived. I sip my coffee and wait.

I don’t have to wait long. Five minutes later, maybe, I see Caspian running up the drive. Shirtless.

My mouth falls open seeing his rippling muscles contract. I lift my cup of coffee to my mouth to cover my gaping. I glance over at the side of the house and realize his car has been here the whole time. I could have searched for his keys and tried to es


He would have found me. I’m sure his car has a GPS system.

I turn back to the gorgeous man sparkling under the sun reflecting off of his glistening skin.

Damn, maybe I should agree to stay for two months. I could stay locked up in this tiny cabin if it meant two months of fucking him.

“You wouldn’t be trying to escape, would you?” he asks.

“Nope, just drinking my coffee on the front porch.” I take a sip of my coffee to prove my point.

“You don’t listen to music when you run?” I ask, noticing he doesn’t have any earbuds in.

“No need. I have voices in my head far too often. I prefer to run alone.”

I narrow my eyes. “What does that mean?”

Caspian stretches his arms over his head, and my insides are putty. My nipples perk up, thinking they are about to get attention. And my core burns with desire.

He shrugs. “I have earbuds in often to communicate with my security teams. I prefer to be alone when I run.”

I nod. That makes sense. But again, I get the feeling that although it’s true, it’s not the reason he doesn’t listen to music.

“I have a proposition for you,” I say, letting the previous topic go.

He bends down, stretching at the waist. “So you were trying to escape. Just with propositions this time, instead of running.”

I frown. “How do you know what my proposition is about?”

He straightens. “Because I know you. “

I pout. “No, you don’t.”

He cocks his head to the side. “You’re Gia Carini. Third born. You are the child your mother thought would save her marriage to your father. She was wrong.

“You weren’t exactly neglected as a child, but you were not praised like your brothers. You never fully belonged in their world. You were just one more child to split the inheritance with.

“You just floated by in school. Never really pushing yourself, but getting mostly A’s all the same. You never went to college, didn’t even apply. Why would you? You are the beautiful woman your family uses to distract other men when it suits them.

“And then you met a man, Roman. You thought he was different. He could give you a real life. A purpose. So you fell in love, and now you’re here. How I’d do?”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic