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“I believe Adela. I believe she thinks she knows what you do at all times. But she can’t possibly know. You could have snuck away for a few minutes that day.”

I nod. “I could have.”

“So why would I believe you? Why would I believe you when you say you didn’t rape me?”

“I’m not asking me to believe me. I’m asking you to believe yourself.”

She bites her lip.

“You already know it wasn’t me that raped you. You just said it was pretty great when I fucked you. Although, I’m sure it was far better than pretty great.”

She blushes and sits back in her chair like she’s trying to hide.

“Do you think if I had raped you, sex with me would have felt that amazing?”

She doesn’t answer.

“Do you think you would have wanted to have had sex with me if deep down you truly believed I had raped you?”


“Do you believe I’m capable of raping you?”

She glances back up at me. “No, I don’t think you raped me. I don’t think you’ve raped anyone or are capable of rape.”

My lips twitch. If she only knew the truth, she wouldn’t be saying I’m not capable. But as much as I wanted to, I never touched her without her permission.

“I just can’t make sense of what I remember,” she says, staring down at her french toast again as she uses her fork to move the food around on her plate before taking a bite.

“Is it possible it was another fantasy? That whoever was hurting you was too much for you? So you changed the image of the man hurting you to me, so it was easier for you to take?”

She nods. “It’s possible.”

“If you need, Adela can find the security tapes and try to find the tape of the rape you are talking about. If it will help.”

She nods. “I’ll think about it.”

I nod. I’m sure Adela has already scanned the images in her head and found the exact instance Gia told me about earlier.

But it will be tough for Gia to watch. It was impossible for me to watch without punching the display.

Gia finishes every bite of her breakfast, to my surprise. “This is better than Michi’s.” She pauses. “But don’t tell him I said that; he’d be crushed.”

I chuckle. “Don’t worry, Michi will love you no matter if he finds out you prefer my cooking to his or not.”

Gia’s eyes warm as she wipes her red lips with a napkin.

“So what now?” she asks.

I raise an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what you mean?”

“When will you let me go? It’s clear you aren’t the monster you said you are. When will I be free?”

I sigh. “I’m still the monster, Gia. Just not the same monster Dante is. You’ll figure out my darkness soon enough.”

“When will I be free?”


Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic