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I open my mouth, wanting to say words to make her feel better, but I’m not sure how to start so she will believe me. I’m not sure she will ever believe me.

I decide right now isn’t the time to try.

I get up off the bed while she is still shaking with her anger.

I grab her favorite pajama pants and shirt and place it on the bed next to her. I walk over to my dresser and put on some boxer shorts and sweatpants.

“What do you want for breakfast?”

She doesn’t answer. Just stares at me with a gaping mouth at my balls to ask if she wants breakfast when I haven’t addressed her story. But I can’t tell my side of the story. Not without a lot of help.

“I know you like french toast and eggs. I’ll make that and some coffee. Join me out on the balcony when you are ready.”

I don’t wait for her to answer or yell at me. I walk out and head to the kitchen.

Michi jumps to attention when he sees me. “I haven’t started the coffee yet, because I wasn’t sure when you’d awake. What should I make for breakfast?”

“Take the day off, Michi.”

“Sir, I would be happy to make you breakfast. I don’t need a day off—”

I take a deep breath before speaking so that I don’t take all my anger and frustration out on him. “Take the day off, Michi. I am fully capable of making breakfast today, and you haven’t had a day off in months.”

Michi stares at me a moment. I don’t think I’ve ever asked him to take a day off. He’s taken only a handful in all our years together. He’s like a father to me. He would do anything for me. And I know he sees the pain in my eyes right now. He wants to help me. But I won’t let him.

Michi finally nods and then leaves me alone in the kitchen. I make coffee, french toast, and eggs. I pile everything up on plates and carry it outside. Gia hasn’t left the bedroom yet, and I don’t know if she’s going to or not. But this is the only way to earn her trust.

I set the plates down at the table and then take one of the seats.

The french doors open and Adela steps outside. “Did you make some for me too?”

My lips thin. I want to talk to my sister, but I also want Gia out here. I nod, and Adela takes one of the seats behind a mound of french toast.

Adela takes several bites of her breakfast while studying me. “I guess you aren’t going to tell me what last night and this morning was all about?”

I shake my head. “You will find out soon enough.”

She shrugs. And I know she already knows more than she is letting on. The walls in my house are thin, so she probably heard plenty of our conversations. And she is more skilled than I am at finding information when she puts her skills to use.

I sit silently, watching Adela shovel in her breakfast.

“You’ve gotten better at cooking, bro. This is almost edible.”

I glare at her. “You seem to be eating it just fine. My cooking is as good as Michi’s.”

She laughs. “No, it isn’t. You aren’t the best at everything.”

I roll my eyes. I am the best at everything, but I’m not going to argue with my sister about it.

The door slowly cracks open behind me, and my heart stills.


I know without turning my head that it’s her. The only other person it could be is Michi, and he knows better than to come back after I gave him time off.

Gia walks toward us. Her feet loud on the deck floor, it creaking below her steps, and then she takes a seat next to me, across from Adela, at the table.

“I’ll let you two talk,” Adela says, winking at me.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic