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tasies. You don’t need me. Call my brothers. Tell them I’m safe and for them to rescue me. You don’t need the hassle. If Dante finds out you have me, your business will be ruined, and you will probably end up dead.”

I don’t disagree with her. She’s right. But again I think too much with my cock, and all I can think about is she called me good-looking. I think back to the day we first met. The look of lust in her eyes I thought I imagined. Was that real?


It’s a simple word that answers her unspoken question.

She doesn’t react to my word. She knew it would be my answer. It’s why she never asked the question. It’s why she tried to sneak out in the middle of the night.

“I can promise you this, Gia. I won’t touch you. I won’t hurt you. Nothing. For one month.

“For one month you can move about this house as if you aren’t enslaved. For one month you can have as much freedom as you like within these four walls. Come and go in any room as you please. Ask Michi to make you any food you want. Ask me to do anything within reason for you in this house. Heal. Stop trying to sneak out.

“Then, after the month is up, you are free to try and run as much as you want. But when the month is up, attempting to run will be as useless as it is now. Your body can’t handle running now, but even if you were healed, I have the best security system installed in my house. Better than ones I install in any of my clients’ homes. You will never escape without my permission.”


I shake my head. I just told her she was safe for an entire month, and she asks me why. She’s too curious for her own good. She should accept my offer and work for the next month to figure out my weaknesses, instead of using all her strength to stand in this dark hallway and talk to me.

“Does it matter?”

“Yes,” she says without hesitation.

“I don’t play with broken toys, even partially broken.”

She narrows her eyes into thin slits. Her eyes are the only thing I can see in the dark of the night, and now they are barely visible.

“I’m entirely broken.”

“No!” My voice is louder than I wanted when I opened my mouth, and her body jumps. I slow and calm my voice. “You are not broken. Just injured. You can heal.”

She shivers under my gaze. “When the month is up, will you hurt me?”

Yes. No. I don’t know. I can’t tell her any of those things. I don’t even know what I want myself. But the answer is most likely yes.

“I have a track record of hurting women. I’ve never failed.”

“Neither has Dante. Dante always ends the lives of the women he captures within a month. He failed.”

She’s hoping I’ll admit I, too, will fail. But hurting her isn’t my mission, unlike Dante. I will wound her whether I want to or not. Her being in my life will mean she will end up fatally injured, forever.

“Dante never played with your heart.”

She gasps. I got the reaction I wanted, now time to close.

“He fought to get it, but he never had it. You can’t take a heart by force. It has to be given, willingly. I don’t just want your body Gia. I want all of you. Your heart most of all. And I’m the type of man who won’t give up until I have it.”

“And if you claimed my heart?”

“I would never give it back. I don’t think you’ve ever lived without your heart. It’s like living in the dark shadows, never being able to step into the light. It’s not a particularly enjoyable way to live.”

She silently nods like she understands. She doesn’t. I’ve seen women lose their minds by the time I’m done with them. They leave me more broken than the woman leaving Dante’s side. Death is the only answer for someone who has lost the will to live.

“Hold onto your heart, Gia. Don’t give it to me. And don’t let me steal it. If you want to live after you leave here, then keep yourself guarded. And when the month is up, find a way to escape.”



Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic