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I take another step though, and my legs give out. It’s almost as if they only had the strength to make it to the edge of freedom, but not enough to finish the job.

NO! Get up.

I grab onto a tree trunk and force myself to stand again. I can’t keep running. I have to take things slowly. Very, very slowly. I hate it, but I don’t have a choice.

It’s okay. I have time. Dante will look here last. I need to find a place to hide in. I could gather some leaves and cover myself and hide until dark falls. Give my legs some rest; then I might be able to move again.

Or I could freeze or starve to death.

I need to keep moving for as long as I can.


My legs stop at the command. It’s what they are desperate for: a reason to stop. They’ve done so much and gotten me so far, but they aren’t enough to take me miles from here.

I grip the knife tighter in my hand as it rests by my side. I don’t know if the man behind me has seen the blade or not. I don’t know if the man behind me is my foe or friend. I lean toward foe.

I settle my breathing, trying to appear natural, but there is no way any person would take a look at me and think something isn’t wrong.

I hear the crunch of leaves behind me as the man approaches me.

My jaw ticks, while the rest of my body remains still. I purse my lips again, letting all the anxiety out of me. One stab. I can get one stab in. It will give me an adrenaline rush again, and then I’ll be able to run. I just have to wait until the man is close enough to stab.

More crunching of leaves, and then a hand on my shoulder.

I turn as fast as my body will allow me and bring the knife up to jab into the man’s shoulder. I don’t care if he is a friend. I don’t trust anyone.

My knife dives toward him, but his hand grasps my wrist, inches before it plunges into his chest.

My eyes flicker to his.



His eyes are unreadable as he stares at me, still holding onto my wrist.

I’m going back to Dante.

“Please,” I whisper.

Conti’s eyes narrow, but I don’t have a clue what that means.

“Drop the knife.”

I stare up at the knife. At my salvation.

“I can’t.”

He nods as if he understands.

“I’ll let you run if you want to run, but Dante will find you before morning. He knows you are missing. That’s why I’m here.”

I nod.

“Or you can come with me.”

I laugh. I don’t know why

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic