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"I'll put in a good word to try and get you some time off," she says back, smiling.

I pull her to me. "You know that you don't have to flirt with every guy here?”

She smiles. "Why? Would it make you jealous if I did?"

"Yes, very jealous."

"Good. You don't have to worry though. I've just gotten close to a few of the guys that have been helping me out."

"I know. Going against my rules, feeding you, and taking care of you."

She grins. "Go easy on them. I'm charming."

I kiss her on the lips, claiming her in front of everyone. "I know."

We both take a seat at the long wooden table, as several of my men start taking a seat at the table surrounding us. When the team of about six of my most trusted men arrive, all sitting down at the table, I start.

“As you all know, we are here to talk about how to handle Clive and Erick. I’m done with their games. They threatened my life. They threatened this company and all of your lives.” I don’t add that they threatened Eden’s life. “We are going to put an end to them and their business.”

“I think we should set up an ambush similar to how they attacked us,” Dierk says.

I nod along just listening, not shooting down anyone’s ideas yet.

“That will never work, they will be expecting that,” Paul says.

“They are going to be expecting every kind of attack. The only thing they won’t be expecting is one where we do nothing. So unless we plan to do nothing, then we are going to lose our element of surprise.”

“What do you think sexy?” Maximo asks, running his hand up and down Eden’s arms. “I know you have some brains in that head of yours. What do you think?”

I glare at Maximo, not liking him touching Eden. I don’t like how she shivers at his touch. I don’t like him even talking to her. I immediately regret bringing her here.

Eden looks from me to the men as I can see her brain turning, thinking of a solution to our problems.

“You use me,” she says.

I frown. Yep, definitely shouldn’t have brought her.

I laugh. “You’re crazy. Erick and Clive don’t give a fuck about you.”

She raises an eyebrow at me, as do most of the men.

“They are after Eden? Why?” Dierk asks.

“Because I look like Nina. The Carini’s stole my best friend from them, and now they want revenge. They think I’m the new Nina. So they want to steal me. Use me to draw them in. Use me as bait, then attack,” Eden says.

Realization hits every one of my men as they listen to her speak. They like her plan. And there is nothing I can say to convince them otherwise. The only leverage I have to put an end to the plan is my claim as the leader. Their boss. Tell them they don’t get a say in decisions that affect their lives too.

“No, we aren’t using Eden,” I say, trying to end the conversation. They know that if I say no, that’s the end of it.

But instead, chaos erupts. Men start talking over each other trying to throw out plans and convince me why Eden should be involved in the plan.

This is not what I expected. At all. I thought we would come up with a plan that involved a carefully crafted attack. Not one that would involve using Eden as bait.

I glance to my right and see Maximo, with his hands on Eden. I’ve had enough.

I punch Maximo in the face. “Touch her again, and you’re fired,” I say, grabbing Eden’s arm and leading her out of the warehouse.

Maximo runs after me blood pouring down his face. He grabs my arm, and I think he’s going to punch me. Instead, he says, “I’m sorry.”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic