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“Why? We were invited, Bruno. It would be rude not to show up,” Matteo says.

I clutch his arm tighter as I stare at the man who terrifies me with the same eyes Armas had.

“You fucking—” the young boy says, starting to run at Matteo.

I flinch, but Bruno holds his younger brother back.

“You destroyed this family when you killed Armas and don’t pretend you don’t know what we are talking about. You are on the security tape,” Bruno says.

“Then, you know Armas deserved to die for how he treated Eden,” Matteo says.

The older brother smirks and the parents hold onto each other like they can’t stand this much longer.

“No. She deserved what she got and worse. And don’t act like you don’t treat her worse. We all know what she is - a slave,” Bruno says.

I stare at the man defiantly. I’m tired of being called a slave. Matteo senses my frustration and tries to pet my hand again to calm me. It doesn’t work. I want to rip his tongue out for saying I deserved what happened to me.

I glare over at Gia who appears bored with this conversation. Not the least bit worried we are all about to get shot.

“You need to drop this Bruno. All of you do. I’m more powerful than your entire family put together. I have more resources, more men, more money. Don’t start a fight you can’t win,” Matteo says.

“I didn’t start the fight. You did. I don’t care what resources you have or how much money you have. We are going to make you pay for what you did to our son,” the father says, breaking his silence.

Matteo ignores him, thinking he doesn’t have the decision making power.

“This is your last warning. Stop this now. Go back to being old families who rule this town no matter the beef between us,” Matteo says.

“No, this is not something we can forgive. This is war. So get ready because—”

Shots are fired. I duck down protecting my head as the bullets ring out around me. I don’t realize where they are coming from until I see Matteo holding a gun.

I stare at the Espocito family as they begin dropping to the floor one after the other. First the mother. Then father. Then Bruno.

My eyes widen hoping he won’t shoot the young boy. He’s a boy. I see the fire in the boy’s eyes though, and I know Matteo won’t leave him standing either. He shoots him between the eyes, and he drops dead, instantly.

I can’t breathe.

I’ve never seen a person die before. I’ve seen plenty of crime scene photos. I’ve imagined how Matteo killed Armas in my head hundreds of times, but I didn’t get to witness it. I was too out of it at the time.

But this…this is like nothing I’ve ever imagined. I thought I would feel more, watching innocent people die. I thought it would feel cold. I thought I would feel sad or heartbroken.

I don’t.

I feel nothing.

Maybe it’s because this experience has changed everything for me. My heart has hardened. I no longer feel pain for other people. Because if I let the pain in, I’ll never be able to survive.

Whatever the reason, I feel nothing as Matteo stores his gun and types a message on his phone.

“Time to go,” he says to Gia and me.

I don’t know how he will get away with killing the entire Espocito family, but I’m sure he will. He stopped the threat. Armas’ family will no longer come after us because they are all dead.

We all climb back in the limo Matteo must have summoned with his text message and begin driving home in silence. Matteo hugs me to his body.

“You’re safe now,” he says, kissing my hair.

I smile weakly, because in my heart I know I’m thankful for what Matteo did. He killed them to protect not only himself, but me too. And for that, I’m incredibly grateful. Too thankful.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic