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He grins. “I think I’ll fuck you first.”

He pushes the airbag down and reaches over me and undoes my seatbelt. He grabs my arms and starts yanking me out of the car.

I cry out.

“My. Leg. Is. Stuck.” Each word comes out with a cry of pain. Like somehow talking is making the torment in my leg worse.

“Stop being dramatic and get out of the fucking car,” Armas says.

“I can’t,” I cry again, trying to wrench my leg loose. I glance down and realize the front of the car has smashed in and trapped my leg. There is no way I’m going to be able to get it out, not without damaging my leg or something that can cut the metal.

He grabs me by both shoulders and begins tugging me violently, trying to get me out of the car.

I cry out again. “Stop! My leg is stuck, you idiot!”

“I don’t give a fuck.” He pulls forcefully, and my skin scrapes across the jagged metal as he heaves me loose.

We topple to the ground.

I don’t wait for the agony to stop or to catch my breath. I get up and try to run. My left leg works fine, but my right leg is useless. I collapse to the ground after only a few strides.

I’ve never broken a bone before, and I never want to again. The pain is fire, burning throughout my entire body. It overwhelms me. I can’t budge it. I can’t think. I can scarcely exist.

I stare down at my useless limb. I have a huge gash on the top of my shin where blood is spilling out. Not fast enough I’m worried about dying, but enough to warrant going to a hospital to have it cleaned and stitched up. The laceration looks awful, but the damage is much deeper in my leg. My leg is red and swollen. Broken, possibly in multiple places.

My eyes drift up, and Armas is standing over me. His eyes are the darkest I’ve ever seen, his lips curled up into an evil grin, and his face hot with desire.

My arms start moving as I attempt to crawl away. It’s a useless endeavor, but I can’t lie here and let him take me.

“You don’t give up, do you?”

I ignore him and continue crawling away, despite every movement feeling like I’m getting thrown on a fire and then stabbed repeatedly. Who knew breaking a bone burned from the inside out?

My head is jerked back as he grabs my hair.

I scream.

A tear trickles out of my eye, overcoming my effort of doing my damndest to keep in. I hate crying in front of these monsters, but crying is the least of my worries.

He starts dragging me across the rough, gravel road. I strive to grab him to right myself and soften the aching.

I can’t move fast enough.

Every pebble, every rock, every stick. I feel it all. And each one is like a knife being thrust into the most sensitive parts of my body.

If Matteo were here, I would be pleading with him to jab me with his needle and give me the drugs to knock me out and make this go away. I would rather give up control than be in this torment for one more second.

He pauses when we get to his car. I glance around for the women whose life I saved when I swerved and hit the tree instead of her. She should be here thanking me or on the phone with the police helping to rescue me, but she is doing neither. She’s loyal to Matteo, like everyone else here is.

My heart turns dark. I should have run her over. I should have saved myself.


I can’t let them win. I can’t become as evil as Matteo and Armas are. I will find another way to save myself.

He opens the back door, and tugs savagely on my hair forcing me up onto my healthy leg while my mangled leg dangles uselessly.

“I can’t wait to get you back to my place.”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic