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I am happy with the response he gives me. His eyes drop to the cutouts on each side of the black dress before dropping lower to take in my exposed legs. When his eyes find mine again, I see the appreciation there.

“You look even more beautiful, if that’s possible.”

“It’s possible. You look beautiful yourself,” I say, eyeing his tailored suit and toned chest that is visible because he left the top two buttons unbuttoned. “I mean, you look handsome,” I say, flushing a bright shade of pink already.

“Don’t be.”

He holds his arm out for me, and I take it.

We walk down the hallway and into the elevator in relative silence. It’s when we get to the casino floor that I realize that Cedric doesn’t know that I’m Kinsley Felton, daughter of Robert Felton. Maybe he won’t notice the stares as we walk through the casino floor, arm in arm.

“Good evening, Kinsley,” one of the bartenders says.

I nod my head in her direction, smiling. I try walking faster to get us out of here as soon as possible, but Cedric doesn’t take the hint. Instead, he seems uneasy, and more and more employees begin staring at us. Some seem shocked to see me walking, hand in hand, with a man. Others just smile knowingly. And others just give me a friendly nod of recognition as we walk through the floor.

It gives me time to see Killian. He’s sitting at the bar in the center of the casino floor. He’s not alone. A young woman is sitting with him. She touches his arm and smiles. He smiles, too. I thought I was the only one he really smiled at. I thought I was special. I’m not.

I tear my eyes from them as Cedric escorts me out the doors.

“Do you work here?” Cedric asks when we are outside.

“You could say that.”

He stops us, as my answer didn’t cure his curiosity.

“My name is Kinsley Felton. My father used to own the company. Everybody in there knows who I am because of it.”

I run my hands through my long blonde locks. I twist and twirl them as I wait for him to change how he acts around me, but he doesn’t.

“That’s cool.” He shrugs. He begins walking again, but then he suddenly stops.

I curiously look at him. “Something wrong?”

“Wait…you don’t work as one of the slutty bartenders or something? I’m not sure I could handle dating someone who has men ogling them every night.”

I laugh. “No, I’m not a slutty bartender, but I am a model. What do you think men do when they see my ads or magazine covers?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Good point.” He sighs before he softly kisses me on the lips.

It’s a nice kiss. It doesn’t send fireworks exploding throughout my body though.

He pulls away with a look of contentment on his face. “I guess I’ll just have to be jealous then.”

I smile against his lips. “I guess so.”

“I do like jealous sex.”

I twist away from him. “Me, too,” I say. But I’ve never had jealous sex before, and even though we spent half the day making out while mostly naked, I’m not sure I’m ready to have sex with this man.

Cedric quickly catches up to me and loops his arm back around me.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

We walk less than a block when Cedric stops. “Right here.”

I smile without looking at the restaurant we are stopped in front of. I already know which one it is. It’s one of my favorites. My father has taken me here hundreds of times.

“Is this okay?” he asks.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic