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I smile weakly. I know that’s just talk for, Please leave now.

“I need to borrow your phone to call a cab. I…” I don’t want to explain that Scarlett took my phone. “I lost mine,” I say instead.

He reaches into the pocket of his jeans and tosses me his phone. I call for a cab, and it will be here in five minutes. I stand from the couch and feel the cricks in my neck and back from sleeping on the small love seat. I should book a massage for later. I grab my shoes, not bothering to put them on, and hand Brent his phone before walking myself to the door. I pause at the door, waiting for him to open it for me, to ask for my number…anything.

He doesn’t. Instead, his focus is now on his phone.

I open his door and pause again, waiting for him to say anything.


“I guess I’ll see you around sometime.”

“Yeah, see you around,” he says without glancing up from his phone.

I sigh as I walk out of his apartment. I thought the guy had potential. I thought he was a nice guy who could at least give me one good night of passion. I wasn’t expecting love. I wasn’t expecting even much more than one night, but I thought we could at least have one enjoyable night together. I was wrong.

I tried Scarlett’s little experiment. I did what normal college kids did. I got drunk and attempted to have a one-night stand. It sucked. I’d liked my life before—when I did whatever my family had asked of me. That was more enjoyable than this.

“Where the hell have you been?” I hear as soon as I walk into my apartment.

I smile. “Good morning.”

“Don’t good morning me. I have been worried sick and trying to fend off your family all fucking night. Where the hell where you?” Scarlett says.

I ignore her and walk to my closet to put my shoes back in their correct place. I slip off the crop top and pull on a comfy T-shirt instead. Scarlett storms in before I’ve even finished changing.

“Well?” she asks again. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and her foot is tapping slowly on the hard floor as she waits for my answer.

“I was with Brent.”

“You were with, who?”


“I heard you the first time. You couldn’t have been with a guy!”

I laugh. “Too late.” Although I think you have to get further than second base to actually say I was with a guy.

“Kinsley Elizabeth Felton! You were supposed to get drunk, flirt with some guys, and then come back here with me to sleep it off—not go home with a complete stranger without telling me.”

“Calm down, Scar,” I say, brushing past her and heading to my kitchen to get a glass of water.

“Don’t Scar me. You…you can’t just…”

I laugh, seeing Scarlett so flabbergasted. She didn’t think little ole me had it in me to have a one-night stand. Well, I did—sort of.

I sigh. “Calm down, Scar. Nothing happened.”

“What do you mean, nothing happened? You went home with him!”

“Yeah, well…something almost happened, but then I threw up, and he passed out on the couch while I was in the bathroom.”

Scarlett’s body visibly relaxes at my words, but it doesn’t stop her questions. “Why did you go home with him though?”

“I don’t know.” I fill my glass with filtered water. “I was drunk.”

Scarlett shakes her head. “Just don’t do it again.”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic