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She’s gone. I knew she would be. I knew she was lying last night when she told me that she would leave Gabe, that she would give me a chance. But I still had the tiniest bit of hope that she would still be lying in my arms when I woke up this morning. I hoped that maybe she thought of me as more than just a jerk who had treated her wrong in the past. But, clearly, she thinks I’m just as bad as Gabe—or at least, not much better.

I hear a door open, and my ears perk up. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she’s still here. I jump out of bed, not caring that I’m still naked, and run through my hotel suite, looking for her. I hear a squeal as the maid sees me butt-naked.

“I’m so sorry. No one answered the door when I knocked,” she says, hiding her eyes behind her hands.

“It’s okay. I’ll go back to my bedroom to put some clothes on.” I head back to my bedroom, pulling some sweatpants and a T-shirt on.

Damn my stupid heart for feeling anything toward Skye. I wish I could go back to not caring, not feeling anything, but I can’t. She might not want to be with me, but I know that she doesn’t want to be with Gabe. I don’t know what power he has over her. What he’s bribing her with or blackmailing her with or what arrangement they might have, but I plan on figuring it out. She might have left, but I’m not going anywhere. I promised I would leave as long as she told me the truth, but she didn’t keep up her end of the deal, so I don’t have to keep up my end of the deal. I just have to come up with a way to make sure that she’s safe. Only then can I leave her alone.

I pick up my phone, and I call Noah’s number.

“Hey, asshole. Have you fucked her enough that you can come back to work now?” he answers.

“Have I recently told you that you’re fired?”

“Every damn day.”

“I need your help.”

He sighs. “You must be really desperate if you’re calling me, asking for help. I thought you handled everything yourself.”

“Well, I’m up against a pro, and you’re the only one I can think of with any hacking skills that might be able to give me the information that I need. I need to know everything that you can get me about Gabe Cole. Everything. Understand?”

“If she has a boyfriend, I hate to tell you there’s probably not much you can do to win her back, short of just waiting it out.”

“Just do it.”

It takes Noah an hour, but he got me everything I wanted to know about Gabe and more. Where he grew up. When they first met. And even a strong clue as to why she’s still with the bastard. And I’m planning on getting confirmation on that tonight.

I step out of the car and walk into the conference center where the charity event for Love All Animals is taking place. Skye apparently does a lot more than just run her own veterinary clinic. She also owns a foundation that focuses on connecting animals and humans in need of each other. Animals that need a home are given one by people that need a companion. I think it’s the reason she puts up with Gabe.

I find my table at the back of the large space, which has a stage at the front with a large screen behind it. I paid over a thousand dollars to attend, but the money was well worth it. One, it goes to a good cause, and two, I get another chance to be near Skye.

I take my seat and ignore the others at the table, who are chatting politely to each other. I’m not here for them. I’m here for Skye.

The lights dim, and a spotlight shines on the stage as I watch Skye walk to the center with a microphone in hand. She seems happy and content. I expect to see Gabe walk up onstage with her, but he doesn’t. I scan the room now and find him at a close table, watching her as intensely as I am.

She starts talking, and she commands everyone’s attention in the room. Even those who were busy in conversation with others now can’t keep their eyes off of her. I expected her to be wearing something professional, a dress similar to what she wore last night, but she’s not. She is wearing a skintight black dress that shows off her body, her strong legs, toned arms, and just the right amount of cleavage. She looks gorgeous, and I know she’s wearing the dress for me. Because, as much as I knew that she wouldn’t stay in my bed this morning, she knew that I wouldn’t leave her

alone tonight.

“I’d like to tell you a story about the first animal that saved my life. I wish I could tell you the stories of all the animals that have saved my life over the years. Saved me from depression. Saved me from pain and heartache. Gave me hope that the world could seek good. And reminded me that we were all just animals trying to live and to survive, fighting our way through this difficult life.

“But I don’t have the time, so instead, I’ll share just one story about a mouse named Moe. You see, growing up, I was wild and fierce—both qualities that I loved, but my parents, not so much. My passion for life got me in trouble many times. I skipped school and cheated on tests when I thought I didn’t need to learn the material. I drank in high school and smoked marijuana between classes. I drove my car too fast. I did all the things that I know you hope your children will never do.”

The crowd chuckles a little, watching her.

“But then I was hanging out with a friend who brought a mouse home to feed his snake. I couldn’t stand to watch him feed the mouse to the snake, so I stole the mouse and ran. I brought that mouse home and named him Moe, and he was the best friend I’d ever had for the next year.

“I had a purpose in my life that was greater than me. I cared for the mouse, fed him, and took him to the vet when he was sick. I learned what life was really about. Fighting for others, even the tiny creatures of that we often forget about.

“After that, I found my purpose protecting all animals, all beings that walk the earth.

“Together, we’ve saved over one hundred thousand lives—animals and humans—and I’d like them to share a few of their stories.”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic