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“Let me fill you in on the details she didn't tell you. I saved her life and protected her, just like Arlo did. I healed her body countless times. I provided medical treatment and nursed her back to life. So don't tell me I don’t deserve her. I can protect her be

tter than Arlo can.”

"Your plan won't work," she repeats.

Her stomach growls, and I grin. "I think my plan will work fine."

I take another bite of my omelete chomping on it vulgarly, taunting her with the food in my open mouth.

Her hand darts to Dierk’s plate and snatches the biscuit he left. She shoves the entire thing into her mouth, chews rapidly, and swallows before I have a chance to do anything else.

I lean forward, grinning at her. "You think you won?”

She nods.

"You lost. You showed me you have a weakness. You're not used to going without sustenance. It may take a few hours longer actually to crack you, since you took a bite of food, but you’ll still break. You'll tell me where Nina is. You'll betray her, and you’ll have to live with yourself forever because of it. I give you three days, tops, before you beg me for food. You’re scrappy, but not strong enough."

She huffs and reaches for my omelete. I grab her wrist stopping her.

"I hope you enjoyed that biscuit, because it's the last bite of food you will get.”

It doesn't take three days for Eden to break.

In fact, it's been almost two weeks, and she hasn't so much as cracked. She's not even close. I've tried food deprivation. Somehow, I know she is getting food from someone. Emilia is the most likely culprit, but I can’t prove it.

Eden should be close to death’s door. Instead, her legs simply move a little slower when I pull her behind me, her stomach rumbles a little more frequently, and sleep is more necessary.

I tried sleep deprivation, keeping Eden up for days at a time, but losing sleep did not affect her. She became delusional, her words slurred, her body slowed. It was impossible for her to think, much less talk to me, and yet she refused to give up their location.

I threatened beatings. I threatened to rape her. But it didn't scare her. Probably because she thinks I won't follow through with my threat. She thinks she looks too much like Nina for me to beat her.

Nothing works.

It’s because I haven’t tried the one thing that I know will.


I wanted Nina to like me still, instead of despising me, when I got her back, but I’m running out of options. It’s time to turn into the monster Eden thinks I am.

She's currently tied to the couch while I shower. I needed some time alone to think, but my hand falls on my cock, stroking it as I let Eden’s body saturate my thoughts.

Her dark hair, still smooth and silky despite not washing it in weeks. Her flawless, smooth skin that my hands are about to mark. Her perky breasts with nipples that will harden, despite how hard she tries to hide her attraction. And her tight cunt that will be torn between trying to push me out and drench me, as it pulls me back in.

My erection hardens and lengthens in my hand, ready to take Eden. I smirk as I turn the water off and step out of the shower and out into the living room, not bothering to dry off or even clothe myself.

She doesn’t notice me at first or even glance at me. Her eyes are half shut. Her body limp on the couch.

I clear my throat. I want Eden to look at me. I want her to feel terrified about what I’m going to do with her. I want to see the change in her eyes before I rape her.

Her head turns, and her lips slowly drop open. Her eyes go straight to my dick, but I can’t tell if she’s turned on, disgusted, or indifferent.

I growl. I need to feel Eden’s suffering. Soon enough, I will.

I walk to her, grab her neck, and climb on top of her, water dripping down onto her. My body presses against hers, and the only thing separating us is my shirt she’s wearing and her panties. I clench her throat with my hand.

“This is your last chance, baby. Tell me where to find Nina.”

She squeezes her eyes shut, and her lips move, but nothing comes out.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic