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But I know it’s just a dream, a fantasy. Tomorrow I’ll wake up to a phone call asking if I want to take another case on. I know I will accept the new case because this is my life, and despite how hard it can be, it's also precisely what I want for my life. I have a perfect record when it comes to defeating wicked, cruel beasts, and I don't plan on giving up the reins anytime soon.

I walk out of the courtroom and over to my red Ferrari. I climb in and roll down the window to talk to Jules one last time before I head home.

"Do you want to get a drink or something tonight to celebrate?" Jules asks.

“Sorry, but I have —”

Jules rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms and leans against my car. "You have a date with one of your Mr. Perfect’s, don't you?"

I grimace. "Am I that predictable?"

"Yes,” she huffs. She glances over at the reporters who are now busy interviewing the families. I look away, unable to watch the families. I don't feel sorry for the criminal’s family. As for the victim’s family, I can never do enough to get the haunting, sickening feeling to leave my stomach.

“You should take some time off Jules.”

She smirks. "I will if you will."

"It doesn't work that way. I'm telling you as your boss to take next week off."

“And what happens tomorrow if you accept a case for the second most evil person in the world, after that bastard, and I’m sitting on the beach somewhere?”

"Then I guess I'll have to do the initial groundwork without you. Now go. Have fun tonight, and go spend some time relaxing on the beach this week. Turn off your phone and the world, and enjoy life away from all this." I wave my hands out motioning to the courthouse and the chaos surrounding it.

She nods slowly, pulling out her phone. "I'll turn my phone off as soon as I hear about how your date with Mr. Incredible goes tonight. You know I love hearing all the juicy details."

I laugh. "No, you can hear about them when you come back."

She pouts.

I laugh again, and snatch her phone from her hand as she squeals. I turn it off before handing it back to her.

"I mean it. Keep this thing off so no one at work will bother you for a week."


She will probably turn it back on as soon as she is out of eyesight of me, but I can hope at least one person in my office is going to get a much-needed break from this life.

I can't take a break. I couldn't live with myself if I took a break and someone went free because I wasn’t here leading the charge to lock the criminal up. Jules is still young and doesn't have the responsibility of the world on her shoulders. She should enjoy herself.

She walks back to her car a few aisles over as I start my own car and drive off. Blasting the radio as I drive home, I try to drown out my thoughts and forget about work so I can enjoy my hot blind date tonight.

I was set up by Jack, a guy I work with. My blind date’s name is Saul. He's a businessman, doing something with real estate, hotels, and condos. From what I'm told, he's smart, a gentleman, and a hottie. Exactly what I’m looking for tonight. He's taking me to one of the newest and hottest restaurants in LA. It will be nice to sit back with a cocktail, delicious food, and hopefully interesting conversation with a sexy man to ogle.

My mind wanders to my usual thoughts whenever I’m not focusing on work: Nina.

I haven't heard from her in weeks. She usually checks in at least once a month and lets me know that she’s safe and Arlo is still treating her well. Because if he's not, he knows I'll come for him and lock him up like I do all the other criminals.

But every time Nina calls, she seems happy, no, better than happy. She acts like herself, like this is where her life was leading her all this time. So as much as I want to go to Arlo and knock his balls clean off his body for what he did to Nina, and for now making her live a life on the run, away from her friends and normal life, I won't. Because I love her and she loves Arlo. Despite all his faults, I do believe now he will do anything and ever

ything he can to love and protect Nina.

A few minutes later, I park the car and get out, say hello to my doorman, Larry, and grab the mail before I head up to my sprawling condo on the fifth floor.

I throw the door open to my expansive home, walk over to my sound system and turn it on. Blaring music makes me feel less alone. I don't have any pets or roommates, no one to keep me company. I prefer it this way. I like having my own space and the freedom to spend my evenings how want.

It's also one of the reasons why I stick to dates. I like being alone. I don't care about settling down anytime soon. I don't want a live-in boyfriend or a husband. Work keeps me plenty busy. I date one night a week.

My date gets one shot with me, and no matter how much we connect or how good the sex is, that's all I’ll ever give him. I don't want to get attached. I don't him to develop feelings for me either, so I follow my simple rules. One man, one date, once a week.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic