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I step back into line, knowing that she is going to choose the guy to my left. Number two. She’s had eyes only for him since the competition started. But, damn, that kiss was hot.

I’ve kissed strangers before but never like that. When I kissed her, she submitted to me. She wanted me to take control. Was begging for it. And I was more than happy to take it. That’s what my whole life is. Taking charge and loving it.

I stare at her, commanding her to pick me with my eyes. I don’t think it will work, but it’s worth a shot. She’s the opposite of the type of woman that I would usually go for. She’s a troublemaker; it’s clear from this little game that she convinced the staff to play along with. I’m into corporate women who always dress classy with clean, sharp looks. But this woman doesn’t care that she breaks all the norms when it comes to her looks. She has blue streaks in her dark hair, piercings and tattoos cover her body, and the way her body moves is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She’s confident and independent, but she seems tired of always being so in control of herself when it’s clear from her appearance that she would rather be free, going whichever way the wind pushes her. Something is stopping her. But maybe this is her way of trying to break free of whatever is holding her back.

Behind me, I hear Noah, Harry, and Levi cheering for her to pick me. They were the ones who pushed me into this ridiculous competition in the first place. I’m here to get a break from the chaos, and I brought a few members of my team along with me. I thought they had earned a much-needed break from our daily grind at the office. They jumped at the chance to push their boss into a pissing contest over a complete stranger. I regretted bringing them the second they pushed my ass onto the stage.

Now, I’m thankful. That kiss brought me back to life again. It reminded me what taking a chance with a woman feels like and how good it feels to have a woman’s lips on mine. I’ve taken a break from extracurricular activities, like fucking a woman, for far too long. That ends tonight. I want it to be with this woman in front of me, but if she doesn’t want me, there are plenty of hot women here that I can have. I’m here for seven nights. Seven women in seven nights sounds like an excellent plan.

“Can I get a drum roll, please?” Bayron says to the crowd.

Everyone begins banging on things and shouting loudly for who they want to win.

She bites her lip—a habit of hers when she doesn’t know what she wants I’ve noticed, or at least guess since she’s done exactly that half a dozen times since the competition started. Or she does, but she is not ready to say it yet.

Her eyes are bright and wild as she looks from the first man to the second and then finally to me. I smirk at her. She won’t pick me, but I want my face burned into her memory, so when she is fucking him later, my face will pop into her mind, making her second-guess her choice. I want her to regret not choosing me every day.

“And the moment of truth! Will it be contestant number one?” Bayron says as the first guy’s friends cheer him on. “Contestant number two?”

The crowd cheers loudly for contestant number two.

“Or contestant number three?”

Again, the crowd cheers loudly at the same level they did for the guy in front of me.

“And the winner is…” Bayron holds the microphone to her luscious lips, which she is still biting into.

I should have bitten her lip when I had the chance just to see what all the fuss was about.

“Number three.”

The crowd cheers while I try to keep my

bewilderment at winning off my face. No one needs to know that I’m not a cocky ass who thought I had this in the bag from the beginning.

The other men sulk off, disappointed that they lost. I stride forward to claim my prize and bite the lip that I’ve been thinking about for the last few minutes.

But Bayron stops me in my tracks before I can even get close to her.

“You hurt her, I’ll kill you. And I know where you sleep at night. Understand?”

I nod, not understanding why the staff would care so much about one of its guests.

Bayron escorts me over the few feet to her.

“Skye, this is Brody. Brody, this is Skye.”

“Brody?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at my name.

“Yes. You have a problem with my name?”

She laughs. “No, it sounds like a name for an arrogant man who knows how to treat a woman in bed. Just my type.”

My eyes dart over her body again, taking in her breathing that has sped up as her chest rises and falls beneath the bikini top that barely covers her body. Her eyes dilate as she looks me over as well, and from how she moistens her lips, she is more than happy with what she sees me. She might have struggled with her decision between me and the other guy, but tonight, I’ll make sure she forgets that any other man exists.

She licks her lips again, and I know she is preparing for another life-altering kiss. Her whole body is on alert, waiting for me to make my move now that she has chosen me. I don’t know anything other than her name, but I already know from her expression that she is ready for me to sweep her off her feet and go fuck her in the nearest bedroom. I’ll happily answer her wishes.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic