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“Victoria, I’m sorry,” I say, running to the door.

Logan raises an eyebrow at me as he enters. “Why are you apologizing to my sister?”

I rub the back of my neck. “Because I fucked up.”

Logan walks past me toward the kitchen. He opens the fridge, staring at it.

“Aren’t you going to kill me for hurting your sister?” I ask reluctantly.

He slams the door shut with anger and rage I was expecting. I know he is going to hit me, and I deserve it. I should never have agreed to date Lily while being with Victoria. Even on a pretend basis. I knew it would eventually hurt her.



He shakes his head. “You might have fucked up, but I’ve always thought you and Victoria were meant for each other. I think you would make each other better.”

I frown. “I hurt her pretty bad. I deserve to be punched or at least thrown out of your apartment or something.”

“You’re probably right. But, lucky for you, I’m not looking for a fight today.”

That’s when I realize that the look on Logan’s face isn’t just rage and anger. It’s fear and sadness. Victoria had a similar look before she left.

“What’s going on? Victoria just upped and left today, and I have no idea where she is going or when she’s coming back.”

“She’s not coming back.”

“Then, where is she? I’ll go to her.”

Logan’s head drops. “Come get a drink with me. I don’t have shit in this apartment. Then, maybe I won’t end up killing you.”

“So, what did you do to piss off my sister?” Logan asks after the bartender gives us our beers.

“I made a kiss between me and my pretend girlfriend a little too believable.”

Logan laughs. “I really should kick your ass.”

I shrug and take a drink of my beer.

“I would, but I don’t think Victoria is mad at you because of that.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“Okay, I’m sure she isn’t happy that you kissed another woman even though it was needed to pull off her stupid scheme. I just mean that she has a lot more important things going on right now.”

“And that is?”

“Our sister, Amber, is sick. She has depression. But our idiot mother made it worse by giving her some of her prescription pain killers. Amber overdosed.”

“I’m sorry.”

Logan takes another long drink of his beer. “Thanks. I just wish I could do more. I can’t take off work. I’m horrible with kids. Well, beyond the fun play stuff, I don’t know how to actually take care of a kid.”

I remember now that Amber has a daughter. I’ve only met her a couple of times when she was a baby.

“Sailor’s amazing, and Amber is great with her when she’s well. When the depression takes over again, Victoria always comes in and saves the day. She’s lost jobs because of it. Between losing her jobs and getting fired for things out of her control, Victoria has had a hard time with living the life she wants. She usually has to pick up other random jobs just to pay the bills. Her last company made me think it was finally going to make her life work, but then they fired her for no reason. She just can’t catch a break.”

Realization hits me of where I factor in all of this. I didn’t realize what I was doing. I didn’t realize I was hurting Victoria. But, now, my problems with Lily seem small.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic