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I nod.

He gives his men a look, and they let me go. My instinct is to bolt over and hurt Matteo. Punch him in the face, rip out his heart, snap his neck. However, I don't want to spend the rest of my time here drugged, even though he’s bluffing. He won’t allow me to endure my entire time here in a coma because I would be of no use to him. I don't doubt he would at least drug me for another night though, and that could result in several days in bed recovering.

”How long have I been here?"

"Too long," he answers before he walks away. The handcuff on my wrist pulls, and I struggle to remain even with his long strides as we walk down the hallway, my feet shuffling as rapidly as I can move them in the chains.

"Slow down."


He jerks me into, what I assume, is his office before he takes a seat behind the desk, not offering me a place to sit. I'm left either standing, leaning against the wall, or sitting on the floor. I decide to conserve my energy and take a seat.

I study him as he makes phone call after phone call, hoping to gain some useful information I can use against him. All of the calls are boring, none of them giving me any insight into a way for me to escape. He mostly talks numbers, men, and how many weapons are to be sent to various clients.

I sit on the floor for at least an hour with nothing to do but to listen to him talk on the phone. I try to figure a way to get out of this, but I come up empty.

I close my eyes, deciding I’ll rest while he works.

My body is jerked awake as he strides out of the office giving me no warning. My eyes fly open, and I scramble to my feet.

"You could at least give me some warning when we are going somewhere."

"No, I can't. You need to learn to behave and maybe then I'll treat you with some respect."

He walks into a small bathroom, and I have no choice but to step inside with him.


"Don't act like you don't want to drool over my cock."

"Gross.” I turn up my nose.

He undoes his pants and pulls out his penis to take a piss. And I admit I can't help but take a quick peek. His cock is long and thick, more substantial than I expected it to be. I try to keep my thoughts pure, but I can't help it. Any woman’s mind would immediately think of what a cock like his is capable of doing.

He zips his pants and washes his hands smirking at me in the mirror while I frown again.

"Where are we going next?"

“Going for a run."

My eyes widen. "You can't be serious?"

"I always go for a run every day."

"I can't run with the shackles on my feet and no shoes on."

He walks down the hallway dragging me behind him without another word. I realize we’re heading back to his bedroom and I smile a little.

We step inside, and he locks the door, trapping us inside together. He unlocks the shackles on my arm and legs.

"I think you’ll find the clothing and shoes you require to go running in that closet." He motions toward a closet opposite of the one he heads to.

I walk over to the closet and step inside, finding a whole wardrobe of women's clothes. They all look like they could fit me. I don't ask how or why, but I see a pair of shorts, a sports bra, and a T-shirt. I change into them quickly, along with some tennis shoes I find in my size. I change as fast as I can because I know the second he's ready, he’ll put the shackles back on, regardless if I’m ready or not.

I step back out into the main bedroom in time to see him slipping a shirt over his rippled body. I notice a few tattoos covering his chest, but otherwise, his body is flawless.

He puts one of the shackles on his wrist and then looks at me with an impatient glance. I hold out my hand, offering to behave, because it would be nice to stretch my legs outside and breathe some fresh air. If this is the only way I get to do it, fine.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic