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“Why not?” He folds his arms across his chest.

“Because of Lily.”

“You do realize that what Lily and I have is fake. It’s not real. We are just acting to save her career, which was your idea.”

“I know. But we can’t because, if we got caught together, it would ruin Lily’s career.”

“We won’t get caught. Trust me.”

I don’t answer. I just keep eating my pancakes.

“What are your other problems with us?”

I push the pancake around with my fork, trying to avoid talking about this.

“I know you like me. The sex is amazing. We could be incredible together. Just give us a shot.”

“As I told you before, I don’t trust you not to hurt me. We haven’t even gone on a real date. All we’ve done is have sex or fight. You can’t build a relationship on that.”

He grins, leaning on the counter over my food. “Go out with me tonight.”

I shake my head. “We can’t. If we got caught—”

“If anyone saw us together, we would just play it off as two consultants on Lily’s team, discussing our plan over dinner, nothing more.”

I search his eyes, trying to find the asshole that I know is in there somewhere.

“Give me one chance. Go out with me on one date. If you still think us being together is a bad idea, then I’ll leave you alone. But, if you enjoy yourself, then we can talk about a plan for us to continue dating. Do we have a deal?”

I try to think about what the cons are to agreeing to such a deal. But I can’t, not when he’s smiling at me with such hope. I want to go out with him. I want to go out on a date with this fun man. I want to go out with the man who could change my whole world.

“Okay. Just one date.”

“You shouldn’t walk in with me,” I hiss to Carter as we walk into the building where Lily’s office is.

“Why not?” Carter says, grabbing my hand.

I pull my hand out of his. “Becau

se we can’t look like a couple.”

He laughs. “You think anyone is paying attention to us? They are all wrapped up in their own lives; they won’t notice two people they don’t even know.”

A young woman comes up to Carter. “Oh my God! Are you Carter Woods? I saw you with Lily on TV last night. I had no idea the two of you were a couple. And that story you told about how you fell in love? It was beautiful.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed our story,” Carter says, darting his worried gaze toward me.

“I’m Jillian, I’m one of the paralegals for Lily,” the woman says, holding out her hand to Carter.

Carter shakes her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jillian.”

“Lily is already in her office, but if you are looking for a place to be alone, there is a restroom on the top floor that nobody ever uses.” She winks at him.

Carter smiles. “Thanks for the tip.”

I start walking to Lily’s office, and Carter jogs after me seconds later.

“Hold up, Victoria.”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic