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“Did you take security? It’s not completely safe. It won’t be for a while, but it is safer.”

“Of course, I brought security,” I lie.

“Good. Who did you bring? Because Dierk isn’t bad, but don’t even get me started on Paul,” Matteo rambles.

“Um…oh sorry. I have to go; I just got to the airport, and the girls are waiting. Kisses. Love you. Bye,” I say, ending the call before I have to lie anymore to my brother. Lying to him used to be easy. But now that he’s turned into a saint, I struggle lying to him.

I ignore the cab driver, who is looking at me with suspicion after hearing my lie about arriving at the airport.

The cab driver finally parks the car in front of the Carini mansion.

“Thank you,” I say, before stepping out. The cab driver gets my bags and then drives off leaving me alone in the only home I’ve ever known. It may have sucked at times growing up, but it was still home. It’s hard figuring out what my life might be without it.

I stare at my phone in my hand. I can’t keep it. Matteo or Arlo could be tracking it. They could find out exactly where I am and come after me.

I drop the phone to the gravel driveway and stomp on it as hard as I can with my high heel, watching the phone shatter.

I smile, and stomp off to the front door. I ring the doorbell, feeling strange ringing my own doorbell. But it’s not my doorbell anymore. This house isn’t mine anymore. I have to stop pretending otherwise.

I wait no more than a couple of seconds before the door opens, and Roman stands in the doorway.

My grin reaches my eyes, elated when I see him. He’s just as handsome as I remember. Tall, dark, and beautiful.

“You came,” he says with a bright smile.

“You doubted me?”

Roman shrugs and pulls me into a tight hug. “After how I treated you, yes. I didn’t think you would show up.”

I take a deep breath, smelling his cologne I’ve missed so much. He may have hurt me, but all can be forgiven if he treats me right this time. I’m tired of being alone. That’s all I ever am, alone.

“When did you move into my home?” I ask, staring at Roman.

“About two weeks ago. I’m just living here while my company renovates the property for Clive and Erick to move into.”

My smile falters. I don’t like the thought of my home being renovated at all. I like it as it is. Darkness and all.

“You okay?” he asks.

I nod. “Of course. I’m here with you.”

I reach up to kiss him, but he turns, and my kiss hits his cheek. I frown. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just don’t want to move things too fast.”

I raise an eyebrow and step out from under his arm. “Since when?”

He puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs. “Since we want a deeper relationship.”

I study him. I want his words to be true, but I don’t believe him. People change. Arlo and Matteo are proof of that. But not this fast and not without a lot of help.

“Why did you invite me here? If it wasn’t for sex?”

“Everything doesn’t have to be about sex.”

I glare at him. “I want the truth. I know you. All you see when you look at me is sex. I’m hoping that can change with time, but right now, it can’t.”

He blushes, and I think he’s about to tell me the truth, finally. Tell me why I haven’t ever been more than just a sex object to him. Pour out his heart to me and tell me how sorry he is, but he’ll do better.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic