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“Come in,” Tony says from his desk .

I push the door open and sigh when I see the mess his office is in. If it’s possible, I think it looks worse than it did the last time I was here. Now, there are empty plates of food rotting from what looks to be lunch from a previous day .

“Just wanted to see how you were doing,” I say. But that’s not true. I’m trying to figure out how I’m doing. I’m trying to figure out if I really belong here or if I’m just kidding myself .

“I’m doing all right. The real question is, how are you doing ?”

I shrug as I walk into his office and take a seat across from him. “I’ve been better .”

Tony gets up from behind his desk and takes a seat next to me. “Your father was one of the greatest men I ever knew. He was kind. He was fair.” He chuckles. “He was incredibly strong. He didn’t take any crap from anyone.” He looks at me. “You’re a lot like him .”

I shake my head. “I’m not as strong as him. I’m not strong enough to carry on his legacy. I can’t even convince people to do a simple expansion that is obviously needed. I can’t even decide what drink to order or what food to eat. I can’t even choose the right men to date .”

I look up to see Tony smiling at me .

“I never said your father was perfect—or that you are either, sweetie. I just said you were both strong .”

“I just wish he had told me what I was supposed to do—if he really wanted me to do what my grandfather wanted or if he wanted something else .”

Tony sighs. “Now, that is something I can’t answer for you. What I think matters most is what you want, what you think you were born to do. Whether that’s finding a way to run the company yourself, marry Killian, or run off and have nothing to do with the company, the decision is yours .”

My eyes widen at his words. “How did you know about Killian or about me possibly wanting to run the company ?”

His words are warm as he says, “Oh, honey, the whole company knows that you are supposed to marry Killian. Your grandfather isn’t the best at keeping secrets. And you? You’re easy to read. I know the only reason you are spending any time with an old man like me is to try to learn, to see if this is the path for you .”

“Then, you know it’s not really my choice, my future. It’s my grandfather’s. It’s Killian’s. It’s not mine .”

Tony frowns. “That’s where you are wrong. It’s yours. Your father always made sure of that .”

“What do you mean ?”

“It’s not my place to say .”

A knock interrupts us .

“Hey, Tony.” A young man sticks his head into Tony’s office. “Have you seen Killian ?”

Tony shakes his head. “No, sorry. I think he’s at a meeting at the Felton Red Waves. He won’t be back until later this evening .”

“Shit,” the man says. “Is Lee around ?”

I glance down at my phone. “I don’t think he is going to be in for another hour .”

“Shit,” the man says again. “I need someone to sign these, approving the initial demolition, and I need it now. They already showed up. If I don’t give them these forms, like, right now, they are going to leave. Then, who knows when the construction will start ?”

“I’ll sign them,” I say without thinking .

The man looks at me in confusion. “Who are you ?”

“I’m Kinsley Felton. I’ll sign them. It’s no big deal really,” I say. Although I don’t have authority to sign anything, not really. Grandfather won’t care though. I already know he wants the expansion to happen, and it’s the same with Killian. It won’t hurt anything for my signature to be on it instead of theirs .

The man looks to Tony, who nods his head and smiles .

The man still looks concerned, but he knows his ass is on the line if the project doesn’t start today. He rushes the papers over to me and shows me where to sign. I sign and initial each spot, barely glancing at the papers. I should probably read them before signing, but this man is in an obvious rush. I don’t want to give him a heart attack by waiting for me to read them. And it feels good to be making a decision for the company even if it is one that has already been agreed upon .

“Thanks,” the man says, rushing back out of Tony’s office .

When I turn back to Tony, his sly smile is plastered on his lips .

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic