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“Killian, I can go home. I didn’t mean to intrude on boys’ night .”

“Nah, they don’t care. They’ll be happy to have someone good-looking to look at while I take all their money. Plus, if we didn’t go out tonight, I’m not sure of the next night that I’m available to go out .”

My heart sinks a little at his words. There’s not going to be a second date. Or if there is, it’s going to be a long time from now .

“This is Stephen Mann. He’s my brother-in-law .”

I shake Stephen’s hand. I didn’t know Killian had a sister .

“And that’s Marvin and Benny. They both suck at poker .”

Marvin throws popcorn at Killian. Killian runs over and pretends to tackle Marvin. It’s strange, seeing Killian like this—relaxed and playful. I know he’s called me a walking contradiction, but I’m beginning to see him the same way. He’s serious and stern, one minute, and then playful and joking, the next .

“All right, settle, you two,” Grant says. “It’s time for you to lose some money.” He pulls up another seat. “You can sit here,” he says to me, holding on to the chair he just pulled up to the table .

“Thanks,” I say, smiling, as I take a seat. I fold my hands in my lap to keep them from shaking .

Grant takes a seat on my left as Killian takes a seat on my right. All of the other men take their seats in the remaining chairs .

Marvin starts distributing chips to everyone in equal measure. When he gets to me, he asks, “You in ?”

I glance to Killian, but he doesn’t say anything. I notice his shoulders tense a little, but I think he would have said something if he didn’t want me to play .

“Sure,” I say .

“It’s a hundred dollar minimum bet. Are you sure?” Marvin says .

I smile politely. “I’m sure .”

“We will make Killian pay up when she loses,” Grant jokes .

I want to tell Grant he’s wrong, that I don’t intend to lose, but I can’t. I haven’t played poker in years, and I’m a terrible liar. Father always used to say that poker isn’t about bluffing or telling the truth. It is about strategy and numbers. It’s about knowing your odds. It’s that simple .

Grant smiles at me. Marvin starts dealing out cards to everyone .

Killian leans over to whisper in my ear, “Do you know how to play Texas Hold ’em ?”

“I know the basics. I’m sure I’ll be fine .”

I glance at my cards and wait for my turn. I quickly calculate my outs and odds. When it gets to me, I call. I have a thirty-five percent chance of winning, and the pot odds are thirty percent .

All the men call the initial hundred-dollar bet .

“What do you do, Kinsley?” Grant asks me .

I watch the initial flop. I get another nine to match my pair of nines. I want to smile, but I don’t. I try to keep my emotions as neutral as possible as I begin counting my outs and odds again .

I answer Grant, “I’m a model .”

“Oh, really?” Grant says, eyeing me. “I can see that. You definitely have the body for it .”

Killian glares at Grant, but I can see it’s just harmless fun. And, for whatever reason, I like Grant. He seems to know how to have a good time .

“She’s more than that. She went to Yale,” Killian says .

I’m surprised he is defending me .

I raise the bet on my turn, not by much though. It’s just enough to only keep the serious players in the game. Benny folds on his next turn, but everyone else stays in .

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic