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“Who did this ?”

I close my eyes. “Me .”

I feel him suck in a breath. It wasn’t what he had expected. When I finally open my eyes, he’s gone. He’s back at his desk, looking everything over again, like he must have missed a mistake. If I created this, it must be wrong .

“What are you doing?” I ask when I have caught my breath again .

“How did you know how to do this ?”

I roll my eyes. I hate that he just answered my question with another question .

“It’s not that hard. I just took the data that Tony had and started over. When it was organized, it was obvious to see the trends over the last six months. But based on the numbers, you should add a thousand rooms to the expansion, not five hundred. It’s a waste of money to do such a small expansion. You’ll reach positive cash flow faster with one thousand. It’s sustainable in the long-term, too, even without the holiday spikes. And one good holiday season would more than triple sales with the additional guests staying in the hotel. So, the casino expansion looks spot-on with the data .”

Killian is frowning at me. I nervously run my hand through my hair as I bite my lip. I should have kept my mouth shut. He thinks I’m wrong. He thinks I’m an idiot .

“What was your major in college ?”

I narrow my eyes. “You already know the answer to that .”

He raises his eyebrows though, waiting for me to answer .

“Theater,” I say .

He nods. “You didn’t take any business classes on the side? You didn’t minor in anything ?”

“I minored in French, but I didn’t take any business classes .”

Killian cocks his head to the side, trying to decide if I’m lying. I’m not .

“What jobs have you done, other than modeling ?”

I have no idea where he is going with this. “I’ve only ever modeled .”

“I don’t know how you did this.” He shakes head before running his hand through his locks. “I spent all morning working on the numbers. I knew whatever Tony gave me would be useless .”

I sigh. I wish I had known that before. I wouldn’t have worked so hard to try to save his ass .

“But I never came up with these numbers. I never came up with anything half as good as this .”

I smile .

“You’re a walking contradiction, princess .”

My face falls. “Don’t call me that .”

He stands and walks over to me. “I can’t stop, princess. That’s what you are. It feels weird to call you anything else .”

I glare at him, but I’m not really angry, so I know it doesn’t come across as the angry girl I want to be .

“I want you,” he says when his body is close to me again .

I quizzically look up at him. “You want to marry me ?”

He laughs. “No, I want to fuck you .”

I stare at him, wide-eyed. I don’t move as his lips come down on mine, showing me just how much he wants to fuck me. His hands find the nape of my neck, firmly holding me against him. I moan as his tongue sweeps between my lips, easily parting them. I feel his hard erection pushing against my belly .

Does he expect me to fuck him right here in his office ?

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic