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I run my hands through my hair, trying to read into that sentence’s meaning. What family obligations could a man almost in his thirties have? He can’t still be following his parents’ orders, like I am. That could only mean one thing …

“Oh my God! You’re married, aren’t you? You

probably have four or five kids at home that you’re responsible for.” I push away from the table and begin searching the hotel room for my purse, but I don’t see it. Shit , I silently curse. I’ll just have to leave and get a new ID and credit cards later. I don’t care about the cash I will lose. It’s not worth staying around to find out that I was the other woman—even if it was only for one night .

“Whoa…slow down there, princess.” He grabs my arm so that I can’t move. “I’m not married,” he says slowly, like if he talks slower, it will somehow make his words more believable. “And I sure as hell don’t have four or five kids .”

He cocks his head to the side, like he thinks I’m crazy. Maybe I am. I swallow hard, watching his desire grow in his eyes as he looks at me .

“You’re not married?” I ask hesitantly .

“No,” he says, smirking at me .

“You don’t have kids ?”


I stare at his lips until they move so close to mine that I can barely breathe. His hands move up to tuck my blonde hair behind my ear. I shiver at his touch. He doesn’t kiss me though. He just hovers, obviously wanting more but denying himself what he wants for some reason .

I don’t know what comes over me. I don’t know if it’s the fact that this man has already kissed me, and I already miss his lips. I don’t know if it’s the fact that his desire for me is so obvious that I can basically feel his heart beating fast beneath his chest because of me. I don’t know if it’s because today is the last day I get to choose who I can and can’t kiss .

Whatever the reason, I kiss him. I grab the side of his neck as I do, so he can’t pull away. My kiss is defiant and carnal. It’s wet and deep and everything a kiss should be—except this time, when I kiss him, he barely kisses me back. Maybe I’m doing it wrong? But I know I’m not. I can feel his erection growing as it presses into my stomach. So, I don’t stop .

It only takes a few seconds more until he is kissing me back with just as much hunger as he was before. I smile against his lips as he does. Maybe we will be having sex after all .

Our kisses quicken as we both become more and more desperate for more, for promises that have been left unfulfilled since last night. We stumble backward until my body is trapped between him and a wall behind me. It feels nice to be possessed in such a way. When he lifts my body, I wrap my legs around his waist and moan because it’s exactly what I wanted him to do .

I don’t stop kissing him as we he carries me back to the bedroom. I don’t stop until he roughly throws me onto the bed .

I smile as he stares at me with those intense eyes that say so much when his mouth doesn’t. I watch as they turn from lust-filled to empty. I run my tongue over my lip, trying to look sexy, but the moment has passed, and I have no idea why .

“You should go,” he says .

My eyes widen, but I don’t ask why. I’m not going to beg someone to sleep with me when he obviously doesn’t want to .

“Okay. Just help me find my purse.” I must look disappointed as I stand and gather myself from the bed .

“Don’t. Don’t think that. I want you. I’m desperate for you…” He looks down. “I just can’t. I’m not going to be the guy you lose yourself in because you are running away. When I fuck you, it will be because you want me as much as I want you right now .”

I laugh nervously. “I thought we were done after today .”

He looks at me even more seriously, if that is possible. “No. Today is just the beginning .”

I try to smile, but I can’t. This man is insane. No, he’s bipolar. One minute, he can’t keep his hands off of me, and the next, he’s a knight in shining armor. I just wish I knew which was a facade and which was the real Killian .

I walk out of the bedroom and back into the living area. I hear Killian following me, but I don’t turn to face him. I just walk .

“Here,” he says, holding out my purse .

I take it from him. I see he is also holding my phone in his hands. He types something in before handing it to me as well .

“I put my number in your phone .”

“What makes you think I want that ?”

He cocks his head to the side as he stares at me. “You will. I have a feeling you will want it really soon .”

God, this man is arrogant, but his confidence is alluring. I could use an ounce or two of his confidence, if only for just a day. Maybe then I wouldn’t be marrying a complete stranger in six months .

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic