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“I’m intrigued by you. You’re beautiful, yet I detect a bit of insecurity in you for reasons that don’t make sense. You are obviously intelligent, if you are able to count cards, but you are used to your beauty helping you to cover up that intelligence, just like you did with your card counting. You seem sad, yet you’ve chosen to come to one of the most alive places on the planet. You have every reason to be confident, yet you act like a scared, innocent little girl. I’m just trying to figure out what you are doing here .”

I narrow my eyes at his rude comments. How could he have formed such a strong opinion of me in such a short amount of time? “Thank you for the drink,” I say as I stand. I’m not going to sit here and listen to a stranger insult me, not tonight .

He grabs my arm as I get up. “I didn’t mean that as criticism .”

“Seems like it to me,” I say cautiously as I stare where he is still holding my arm. I feel the heat transfer from his body to mine where he is touching me. It feels overpowering, like everything else coming from this man .

“Let’s try again. I’m Killian. You seem like a nice girl. I would love to hear over another drink how you became so good at blackjack and hopefully get some tips because I sucked back there.” This time, after he speaks, his lips curl up slightly .

It’s not quite a smile, but I can tell it’s pushing it for this man .

I smile brightly, hoping that if I smile, he will, too .

“I’m Kinsley,” I say, extending my hand .

He shakes it like it’s a business arrangement. I suck in my breath at his touch. His handshake is powerful and strong. It’s practiced, like he has shaken a million hands. I bet he can close business deals with just the strength of his handshake .

“And I would love more wine.” I take another sip of my wine, finishing it off .

He nods to the bartender this time, and she immediately comes over to him even though the bar is now full, and it’s not our turn to be served .

“Another?” the woman asks him, smiling brightly .

He nods. She winks at him before she goes to retrieve our drinks .

My mouth stays open. “How did you do that ?”

He raises an eyebrow. “Order drinks ?”

“How did you get her attention like that? Are you a regular or something ?”

“No. Bartenders just know where their biggest tip lies. And that’s with me .”

I nod although I’m not sure if that’s completely it. He definitely has the sex-appeal thing going for him. And the intense almost lust-filled look he gives would make any woman say yes immediately .

I find myself wondering what it would be like if he asked me to go home with him tonight. How different would it be from Brent? I shake my head, getting that thought out of my head. I can’t have sex with this man—not that he is asking me anyway .

The bartender places our drinks in front of us. I immediately grab the glass and bring it to my lips to taste the sweet, smooth liquid again. I moan quietly as the liquid pours down my throat. The taste is magical. I’ve never had anything like it .

“My father .”

His eyes find mine, but he doesn’t say a word .

“My father taught me how to play blackjack .”

He nods .

“He taught me how to count cards.” My cheeks flush slightly from admitting that to him .

I think I see a hint of a smile forming, but I don’t know how to keep that smile on his lips. I don’t know how to flirt and show him that I need a distraction .

“He’s dead,” I blurt out. Then, I wait. I wait for the, I’m sorry . I wait for the, Is there anything I can do for you? I wait for the, How are you doing ?

This is what I get instead, “Let’s get out of here .”

My eyes widen. “What ?”

“We are leaving.” Killian stands from the bar and begins walking in the direction of the hotel rooms .

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic