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I pull Beckett up and drape his arm around me. “Good job,” I say.

He laughs. “I think I lost. You shouldn’t be telling me good job.”

“He fought dirty, and you know it. But you did what you needed to,” I say as I walk Beckett to our side.

We all look over at Felix who is breathing heavily and barking at one of his men to help him bandage up his bleeding knuckles.

“He’s going to struggle to use his hand in the next round. This is a team effort,” I say.

Beckett nods.

“Alright, everyone survived round one. Which means on to round two. This game will involve one small knife.” Archard produces two ridiculously small knives.

I sigh, these games are going to last forever. Just give us a gun and get this over with.

He puts all of our names back into the hat. Kai is kneeling on the floor, trying her best to dress Beckett’s wounds when Archard calls out my name again.

“Enzo will be fighting in round two against…”

He draws a second name. “Beckett.”

“No,” Beckett and I say at the same time. We both stare at Kai who is just realizing what this means, and then we all look at Felix.

If Beckett and I are fighting each other, it means that Felix will fight Kai. She stands up, giving her fiercest stare to Felix. If the weapon was a gun, I would say it is a fair fight. Kai is unstoppable with a gun in her hand. She could kill Felix before he even got a chance.

But with a tiny knife, all it takes for him to win is to catch her. Physically he’s stronger. He could choke her. Slam her head into the ground. Or use the knife to spill her blood from any major artery. Her only chance is to do what Beckett did and avoid him. But that didn’t turn out so well for Beckett. Now Felix is angry, and I don’t think he will settle this time for just spilling some blood. He’s looking to kill.

And I don’t know how to stop it from happening.



Enzo and Beckett look at me with concern as the names are read. But I’m not worried. They think because I just gave birth to two twins a few weeks ago that I’m weak. They think because I’m less than half the size of Felix that he’s stronger. That because his muscles are bigger he’s going to win. That there is no way I will leave this fight without being seriously damaged or dead.

They are wrong.

If I learned one thing giving birth to my twins, it's that I am strong.

That becoming a mother changed me in a way I didn’t realize was possible. I thought I knew what love was, but not until I gave birth did I truly understand. Not until I heard those precious cries. Not until I felt them suckling at my breast. Not until I kissed their sweet lips did I understand love.

Love is strength.

Love is fierce.

Love is everything.

I may not seriously wound Felix. I may come out looking as bad as Beckett. But I will win this battle. I will not be defeated. Because I am stronger than any of the men realize.

Archard calls for Enzo and Beckett to enter the ring that has been expanded to the edge of the property that hangs over a cliff—adding another layer of danger as falling over the edge would mean death. They take the knives from him, and he yells go.

But instead of fighting, they sit in the middle. Enzo tries to help Beckett take inventory of his wounds. And I try to read their lips as they discuss a strategy to keep me safe while defeating Felix. I know they won’t let me die. I know if it looks like Felix is going to kill me when it’s my turn, they will sacrifice themselves to ensure I win.

Finally, Archard yells, “Stop.”

The two men walk out, giving me a look that confirms they have a plan to intervene. That I have nothing to worry about. But I don’t want them to intervene. I want to do some damage to Felix. I’ve earned that right.

I walk over to Archard and retrieve my weapon—a small knife. I think back to the last time I had a knife driven into my skin. That pain was nothing.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark