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Beckett grins, thinking he can beat me. Enzo lines up the cans and shouts at us to start.

I load the gun and fire off my shots in record time, making sure to hit Beckett’s five cans too just to prove I’m better than either of the boys.

“Wow, if I’d had known you could shoot like that I wouldn’t have offered my protection skills. I would have just handed you a gun and sat back and watched,” Beckett says.

I grin. “I learned from the best.” My heart aches thinking of Zeke and Langston.

Enzo frowns. “That’s enough shooting from you. At least until September twenty-fifth when the babies are born. And even then, I want you in the nursery, not wielding a gun.”

I roll my eyes at the sexist remark, but I know Enzo is just worried about me and the babies. I know he couldn’t live with himself if I got hurt. And I have no desire to shoot a gun if I don’t have to. But I’m happy I have the skillset to.

I waddle back to my chair as the men finish competing in sprints, one-handed pushups, and another shooting game.

My life is perfect at the moment, even if the reason for the game is to get Beckett ready for an inevitable fight. I don’t care. I’m happy watching the two of them act like normal brothers.

And in one month our world is about to get a whole lot happier. But I feel my stomach tighten in horrible cramps, and I remember something I read off-handedly at the doctor’s office—something about how twins often come early.



I feel it the moment my world changes.

Possibly even before Kai realizes what is happening. One moment, I’m schooling Beckett on how to shoot a gun, the next my gaze is locked on Kai. I watch her stomach clench as she grabs it, her face twisting in pain.

I drop my gun on the table and run to her. I grab her face needing to see in her eyes, if she’s okay. If something is wrong with the babies or not. I’m not sure she will tell me just how serious the situation is with her words. I need to see her eyes—they won’t lie to me.

“Kai, what’s wrong?” I ask.

She purses her lips and blows air out as another wave of pain permeates through her body.

“Kai? Baby? You need to tell me what’s wrong,” I say.

Another push of air through her lips. “I think…I think the babies are coming.”


They aren’t supposed to come this early. She still has weeks lefts. Three and a half weeks to be exact.

I look behind her to Beckett who is standing motionless, like he can’t believe this is happening either. One minute she was fine, now she can barely stand she’s in so much pain.

Beckett and I trade glances, but neither of us moves. Kai lets out a guttural growl. One sound of pain from her, and she’s caused two grown men to freeze in terror.

Kai notices both of our reactions. She takes another deep breath, and then she seems to get a little more life back in her eyes. “Okay, so I think I’m in labor. We won’t know for sure until my contractions are more consistent. But Beckett, it’s probably a good idea to call the doctor and see if we can get someone on a helicopter to meet us.”

Beckett snaps awake. “Yes, of course. I’ll make the call.”

“And you,” Kai looks at me. “Fix me something to eat.”

“To eat? You sure?”

“Yes, I’m going to need my energy if I’m going to give birth today.”

I nod. “Of course!”

I race down the stairs and start pulling everything out of the fridge—eggs, spinach, carrots, chicken, cheese. Everything comes out as I start scrambling an egg while simultaneously grilling the chicken. I get so focused on the task she gave me that I forget about the most important thing—Kai.

“Kai!” I shout.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark