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I hold out my left hand. He takes it with his left hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Eli.”

“You too, brother. Does this mean you no longer think I’m working with Felix?’

I laugh. “Yes, Kai was right. You are on our side. One of the good ones. I trust you with my life.”

“Good, I trust you with my life too.”

I nod. “Sorry about your arm, though.”

He shrugs. “Chicks will dig the saving my pregnant sister’s life story.”

“They probably will.”

His smile drops. “Speaking of my sister-in-law, what are we going to do to protect her?”

I sigh and run my hand through my hair. “Everything we can.”

He nods.

“We are going to sail away, never staying in one place to make it impossible for Felix to find us. We will fly a doctor out when she gives birth. And then once she and the babies are stable, we will hide them away with someone I trust to protect them. And you and I will go kill our half-brother and every other man that follows him. You and I will end this together.”

Beckett grins. “Good, because I’m ready for a fight.”



Beckett’s recovery is both easy and hard. He never once loses his humor throughout the entire process, which helps keep the emotional toll of losing his arm from overpowering him. But physically, his journey isn’t easy, especially when recovering without medical help and limited drugs to help him deal with the pain.

It also doesn’t help that every day we spend on the sea running from Felix is another day of anxiety, worrying he will eventually find us. The fear creeps in every day. But every day we outrun it.

I spot Beckett sitting on the edge of his bed, trying to tie his black boots. He tries again and again and then grabs the shoe off his foot and throws it at the door, barely missing hitting me.

So maybe he isn’t dealing with the loss of his arm so well after all.

“Sorry, I wasn’t aiming for you,” he says, hanging his head between his legs.

“At least you were able to zip and button your jeans today,” I say, hoping it will make him smile.

“Yep, sign me up for the Olympics, today I buttoned my own pants!”

I laugh, but I can feel the sadness in his eyes. I pick up the shoe he tossed and give it back to him.

“You want to talk about it?” I ask.

He shrugs. “There is nothing to talk about. I don’t regret what I did. I would do it a thousand times over. It just sucks. You never knew how much you depend on something until it’s gone.”

/> I sit on the edge of the bed next to him. “I understand. I felt the same way after Enzo was taken from me. I always knew I loved him, but not how much it would impact my life until he was gone. I know it’s not the same thing. The pain you must be experiencing is…”

He wraps his arm around me. “The pain is worth it. Every time I see you and Enzo together, I’m reminded just how worth it is. And I didn’t just do it for you. I got a brother and sister out of the deal. Giving up an arm seems like a small sacrifice in comparison.”

I lean my head against his chest. “I understand. I would give up an arm for you too.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I know you would, but I’m glad you don’t have to.”

I wipe a small tear away that had fallen from my eye. Then I sit up. “But enough of the pity party. You are healing every day. I’m here to help you get stronger and make sure you can tie your own damn shoes. I’m getting too big to tie your shoes for you.” I lean down to try to tie his shoes, but my oversized stomach gets in the way.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark