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“Truth or lie, Beckett is your brother,” she says cautiously, like the words alone are going to torture me.

“Lie,” I say, but as I say the word, I realize it’s not true. Beckett could be my brother. He doesn’t look much like me, at least, not in the obvious way. Not like Felix and Milo did.

But my life is filled with men that end up being related to me. It’s possible. And the more I think about it, the more I realize it to be true. Beckett is tall, an inch or so taller than me. His hair blonde, his skin fair, unlike my dark hair and tanned skin. But he has my mother’s eyes. Turquoise blue—warm and loving.

He clearly isn’t afraid of death. He faced me without once drawing his weapon. And despite knowing differently, he seemed to genuinely care if Kai lived or died.


Finally, I realize why the name rings a bell.

“Beckett isn’t his first name. It’s his last name,” I say.

Kai frowns. “How do you know that?”

“It was my mother’s maiden name.”

“So it’s true?”

“Yes, Beckett is my brother.”

Kai squeezes my hand again. “I know every brother that has entered your life has been out to get you. They have wanted power, revenge, money. But Beckett may have different motivations. He may be different.”

I nod, I hope she is right. But I don’t trust that any child that came from my father could ever be good, myself included.

“Truth or lie, I want to marry you today,” I say, wanting to change to something positive.

Her eyes light up. “Truth.”

“Marry me, today. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

She licks her lips as she considers. “I’ll go to the courthouse with you. I’ll sign the papers and go through the motions. But when this is all over, I want a real wedding. With my father there. Any of your family there. With Langston and Liesel. And our children there. One where we can celebrate with everyone we love.”

I smile. “You really forgave your uncle?” I don’t understand why she still calls him father if he's actually her uncle.

Her nose twitches. “I believe in second chances. And he is the only grandparent our children have left. I think he loves me. I think he wants what is best for me. Even if he has fucked up in the past. I wouldn’t say I’ve forgotten what he’s done to me. But I forgive him. I’m willing to give him a second chance.”

Second chances—that has been our entire life. I’m not sure I’m ready to give her father a second chance, but I can understand why Kai wants to.

But when I look in Kai’s eyes, I know she isn’t thinking about her father. She’s thinking about her next entry for our truth or lie game, which at this point might as well be called truths. Neither of us can lie to each other anymore. And every truth she has spoken has been worse than the previous one. This next one is going to kill me. I can feel the change in her.

I tug on her hand, needing her as close to me as possible. She climbs into my lap. I brush her hair off her face, and she rests her head against my chest listening to my heart thump, thump, thump.

I hold her close, hoping the truth won’t destroy what I just got back. How could it? I love her. We basically said our vows to each other last night. Nothing can destroy what we have.

But the tears falling down Kai’s face, coating my bare chest say differently.

“Truth or lie,” her voice breaks.

“Shh, it’s okay, whatever it is, just tell me,” I say stroking her hair. “Whatever it is, we can face it, together.”

She swallows hard, refusing to let her fear win.

“Truth or lie, the final game is a fight to the death. The final game—only one of us can survive.”

I let her words sink in. No, that can’t be true.

But I know it is.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark