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Enzo narrows his gaze in Beckett’s direction. “It was a brilliant plan. You fooled a woman who can spot a fraud from a mile away. But I know the truth. Tell her, so I can kill you.”

Kill him? “No, you can’t kill him,” I cry.

Enzo looks at me like I’m breaking his heart for defending a man like Beckett. But I have no idea why Enzo is so insistent about Beckett. I’m rarely wrong about the character of a man. I can tell when I’m being lied to. I suspected Felix before anyone else did. And Beckett is a good man. He’s saved me. Protected me. Even now, he won’t draw his gun that I know he has because he’s afraid of hitting me instead of Enzo.

“Beckett? Why does Enzo want to kill you?” I ask, when I see the reluctance in his eyes.

“Because he works for Felix,” Enzo answers for him.

My jaw falls. “He doesn’t. He can’t…” but when I look into Beckett’s eyes, I know it’s true. He does.

“I’m so sorry, Kai. I wanted to tell you. I was going to and then—”

“And then nothing. We don’t need to hear any more of your lies. Toss me your phone,” Enzo says.

Beckett slowly reaches into his pocket and tosses Enzo his phone. Enzo pockets it.

“What was Felix’s plan? How many others are here? How many people know Kai is here?”

Beckett stands tall and unafraid as he answers. Like he’s willing to face whatever punishment awaits him. “Felix and I are the only ones who know. There is no one else here. He didn’t trust anyone else with the information. He knew you could torture them into telling you where Kai was.”

“What did Felix want you to do?” Enzo asks.

Beckett looks at me and sucks in a deep breath. “He wanted me to keep her safe until he gave the order to kill her.”

So much pain in those words. So much hurt. I thought he was my friend—my protector. Instead, he was the enemy.

Enzo looks to me. “He’s not your friend. He has to die for what he’s done. What he was willing to do.”

“Wait,” I say. I need closure before he kills him. I need to look Beckett in the eyes and understand why. I walk out from behind Enzo, who grabs my arm as I go by. Not able to stand me leaving his safety for even a moment.

I squeeze his hand tightly and give him a knowing nod. And finally, Enzo lets me go. I walk over to Beckett and look into his eyes. But I can’t trust my eyes. So I close them. I block everything out except my heart.

And I can still feel it. The calmness. The protectiveness. The conflict. There is more to Beckett’s story than he’s saying.

I open my eyes—they confirm what my heart feels.

I’m sorry, Beckett mouths to me. Not out of fear for his life, but because he’s genuinely sorry.

Me too, I mouth back. And then I slap him hard across the cheek. “Don’t ever lie to me again.”

He nods, standing taller somehow. He’s a tall man, easily an inch or two taller than Enzo. And then I see it—the missing piece to this story. Enzo doesn’t see it yet. I’m not even sure if Beckett knows it. But neither is ready to talk about it now.

“Can I kill him now?” Enzo says.

“No,” I answer.

“We can’t trust him, Kai. I’m sorry if you’ve grown feelings for him, but the first chance he gets he’ll go to Felix. And then you’ll be a target again. I can’t go through losing you again,” Enzo says with so much heartbreak in his voice. And in this moment I regret not coming back. Not finding him in the weeks he thought I was dead. But I had to protect them both.

“Killing him isn’t the only option,” I say, walking back to Enzo so that he can relax a little. “Dad!” I shout, knowing that he is right outside the door listening.

My dad enters slowly, with his own gun drawn, aimed at Beckett.

Enzo smirks, like this proves he’s right and that we should kill Beckett.

“I agree with Enzo, honey. Beckett betrayed us. He can’t live,” my father says.

“Well, I won’t let either of you kill him yet. Every person in this room has betrayed me at one point or another. And I didn’t kill either of you for it,” I say.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark