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And Kai deserves for her killer to be slain.

Tonight is the night Felix Black dies. The night I kill the last of my half-brothers. And tomorrow I go to work wiping out any of his remaining followers. The day after that, I end the Black organization for good. And then I spend the rest of my life protecting Liesel and Langston from suffering any more pain. That’s the least I can do.

Felix sticks to his routine from the other night. At six, he leaves his hotel, chosen because it's more secure compound than hotel due to the number of people he has surrounding and protecting him at all areas of the property. It’s not enough. He may feel safe with dozens of men, but they are a mere inconvenience for me to get through. He may think he’s protected with the best security systems, but the technology is just one more thing for me to dismantle and show him exactly how vulnerable he is. He may think his weapons will keep him safe, his threat of retaliation with explosives too great for me to mess with, but it’s simply another weakness I plan on exploiting.

I have nothing to fear anymore.

Felix still thinks Langston and Liesel are dead.

And Kai really is dead.

He can’t hurt me. I’m invincible when I have nothing to fear.

My blood boils when I see Felix walk into a club notorious for selling women. The club also sells weapons, drugs, and anything else the owner thinks will make him money, women being his highest seller. He attracts the wealthiest men in the world, because he has the cops in his pocket and guarantees to have the most attractive women for the men to buy.

It makes me sick.

I guess I’m bringing down more than one man tonight.

The club should be impossible for me to get in, but growing up with one of the biggest criminals in the world as your father gives you some advantages. My father had hundreds of illegal clubs. I know how security at these places works.

So I buy an expensive suit, rent the most expensive car I can find, and then drive up to the front door of the place and step out like I own the entire world. A place like this doesn’t have exits. There is only one entrance and one exit. At least known exits.

There is always a hidden exit to get their most exclusive clientele out fast if need be, but that would take days of research to find and exploit. I don’t want to wait days. Not to mention dealing with the security cameras and the armed guards. The best way in is the easiest.

I walk up to the man who serves as security for the club, deciding who goes to the floor of the club, the part that keeps things legal and is the front for the business. Versus the basement, where the real money exchanges hands. That’s where Felix is. That is where I want to go.

“Name?” the man says, but his eyes slowly widen when he takes in my attire and expensive car. He knows exactly which room to take me to, but he doesn’t know my name. His sole job is to know my name, to know who I am, and to make me feel like royalty when I walk in so I’ll come back again and again.

“I’m so sorry, Mr…” the man says, waiting for me to fill in the blank.

I could lie. I could say any name in the world, and he would accept it. He doesn’t care what my name is. I’m sure half the men that come here lie about their names.

But I don’t want to do this as someone else. I want to kill as the monster I am.

“I’m Enzo Black.”

The man’s mouth falls, his face whitens, and his shoulders tense. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Black. Right this way, sir,” the man in the suit says as he stumbles forward like he made the biggest mistake of his life, and he’s about to get slaughtered for it.

I don’t doubt that if I were to tell Mr. Sullivan, the owner of the club, of this man’s mistake that he would be. My name is notorious in the underground. Even on the other side of the country. I can go into any club like this I want. And pay half as anyone else to get the same drugs, weapons, or women, because no one wants to piss me off.

The man leads me down a long hallway. I see the sweat dripping down his neck, his anxiety palpable. He has nothing to worry about, though. I’m not going to rat him out. I have much bigger fish to fry.

He opens the door for me, and I step into the room, hazy with the smoke of expensive cigars.

Silence slowly falls around the room as each man recognizes who I am. One by one eyes widen then change—to anger, to fear, to loyalty. Each man in this room is powerful. Each man in this room runs a criminal

empire. But none of them match the power I have. Half of them’s livelihood depends on me to supply them weapons or technology to keep them safe. The other half have been attacked as my enemy in the past.

And only one man seems to enjoy that I’m here—Felix.

“Mr. Black,” the man who showed me to the room says, introducing me to the room, as if I need an introduction.

Felix scowls as the man says my name. He wants the title. He wants to be the sole Mr. Black.

Not going to happen. I’m going to destroy the Black name.

“Gentleman,” I say with a cocky smirk.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark