I’ll never forget you, but I’m letting the pain go. Then I drop the letter into the water and watch it float away. And I hope one tiny piece of my heartbreak goes with it.



Langston isn’t dead.

He’s breathing.

The bullet grazed his arm.

He’s alive.

I exhale all the breath I’ve been holding. But this fucker is about to die for almost killing Langston.

I dive on the man, forgetting I have a gun in my hand that could do just as good of a job. I pummel him to the ground, taking out all of my anger on this one man.

Langston sits, watching.

Finally, I stop. I aim the gun at the attacker’s head.

“Where is Felix?” I ask.

The man shakes.

“Answer me, and I’ll make your death quick. Keep the truth from me, and I’ll torture you slowly.”

The man glares at me. “Los Angeles. He’s in Los Angeles.”

I squeeze the trigger and watch him slump into the ground.

I don’t know if the man was lying or telling the truth, but it’s the only lead I have to go on. So that’s where I’ll start.

Langston is still sitting, motionless. And I realize he can’t do this. He can’t

chase Felix and my need for revenge all over the globe. He needs help, more than I can give him.

I need to get him help. But first, I need to destroy what is left of Felix’s home.

“Come on,” I grab Langston’s hand, lifting him from the ground. He follows me silently.

I walk to the house and see where the charge wasn’t connected to the explosives. I fix the mistake and then Langston and I head back to the car we rented and left on the edge of the property.

We turn around just before reaching the car, and I hold the button out to Langston, who presses it wordlessly.

The boom is enough to jolt us both back into reality. The building begins crumbling immediately, taking with it so many memories that will haunt me the rest of my days. I just hope this is the first step to healing.

I get Langston into the car, and we drive off, both of us staring into the rearview mirror watching the buildings crumble brick by brick.

I speed up when all we can see is the smoke floating high above the trees and buildings of the nearby town. The authorities will arrive soon, and I don’t want to be near the wreckage when they arrive. Even though dealing with them would be no more than a little inconvenience.

I get us back to the yacht, and we leave Italy moments later. Langston still hasn’t spoken to me, not one single word.

I know what I have to do next, but I just got him back, and I’m not ready to lose him again so soon. So I grip the ship's helm harder and stand, looking out at the endless ocean, hoping that in the time it takes me to get this yacht back to the states Langston will have made a miraculous recovery. Enough to be confident when we attack Felix, I won’t have to worry about Langston dropping dead for real this time.

“It’s okay,” Langston says, while leaning against the doorframe.

I know what he means. It’s okay I have to leave him on his own to heal. It’s okay I’m abandoning him when he needs me the most. It’s okay I need to go kill Felix instead of taking care of him.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark