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And then I’m pulling Liesel out the window, hoping the guys follow, but not before they shoot Felix in the head.



WHAT IS STOPPING me from killing this bastard? I should have killed Felix the second I stepped foot into this room. Instead, I tried to get answers.

What is wrong with me?

Why can’t I kill him?

Is it because he’s my brother? Because we share blood? What?

Kai and Liesel went out the window while Langston and I get shot at by men who swore an oath to this organization. Men who have fought alongside me. Put their lives in my hands are now fighting me. Trying to kill me.

“Go,” I shout to Langston.

He dives out the window while I hold off the men long enough to lock the door.

“You can’t kill me. I’m the only one with answers,” Felix says.

I don’t give a fuck about his answers, because I no longer have any questions.

I dive out the window, firing one last shot at Felix’s head.

I miss.

I never fucking miss.

Something is off with me, and I don’t know what it is. But I need to get it fixed fast, or we are all going to die because I can’t protect those I love.

Kai, Liesel, and Langston are climbing into a dingy boat while half my team shoots at us and the other half stand frozen, unsure of how to react.

I jump in the boat, and Kai hits the gas, while Langston and I provide cover fire while we make our escape.

Finally, we are far enough away that the bullets can no longer hit us.

I slump into the chair, not believing what is happening. My own men firing at me.

“Not everyone turned on you. There were men and women who didn’t shoot. There are some still loyal to you,” Langston says, like his words should comfort me.

“And there are plenty who are no longer loyal. Plenty who would rather follow an evil bastard like Felix than me,” I say.

Langston nods. “Yes, but you already knew that. The men who will follow Felix are the same who blindly followed your father. They like torturing people for no reason. They like killing. They like buying and selling people like property. That is what your father did for extra cash before you came along.”

“I’m no better,” I say.

“Yes, you are,” all three say in unison.

I sigh, staring out at the ocean. We aren’t safe here; we need a plan. We need to head somewhere secure.

“Drive us home,” I tell Langston.

He frowns. “Your house isn’t safe.”

“It’s safe enough. We have protection there. Security only I know about. It will give us enough time to form a plan,” I say. Although, I already know the plan. Get Liesel and Kai somewhere safe. Contact any of the men we think are still on our side. And then kill Felix and any of his followers.

Langston trades places with Kai and starts driving us toward my house on the beach. If they kill me, I’d rather die in my own home.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark