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But before she can speak, there is another knock at the door.

“I hope you are both decent because Langston and I are coming in,” Liesel says.

Kai’s face goes pale, but she quickly shakes it off.

“We will talk later,” I say, kissing her lips.

But from the worried look on her face, whatever she was planning on talking to me about is important.



I’M GOING to tell Enzo about the baby. He needs to know. It’s the only way to make the right decision. All I know is my child can’t be the heir. I won’t let any child of mine go through this pain.

But Enzo needs to find an heir. We can’t let Felix have this kind of power.

I open my mouth several times to tell Enzo I’m pregnant as Liesel, Langston, Enzo, and I talk. But it doesn’t seem like the right moment, to tell him that he’s going to be a father in front of them. Or he’s going to be an uncle. I don’t know which one, but I prefer to think of Enzo as the father. At least that’s how I plan on breaking the news to him.

But I can’t in front of Liesel and Langston. Especially since they both know. It would hurt Enzo to know they knew before him.

Liesel carries most of the conversation, talking about random company gossip instead of the seriousness of what is happening. Every once in a while, I see Langston and Liesel sneak a secret look at each other, and it’s almost as if they are staying to keep me from talking to Enzo. But that can’t be true. I’d think they would both want me to tell him.

“We need to interrogate Felix and then kill him. We can’t trust him. He’s smart and sneaky. He may have even planned on getting captured. He's fearless and unpredictable. We need to get all the answers we can get from him and get rid of him before he does more damage,” Enzo says.

We all nod in agreement.

“Langston come with me. Liesel, keep Kai company until we get back,” Enzo says.

“Hell no!” Liesel and I both say at the same time.

Both men turn, frowning at us.

“We are coming,” Liesel says, with her hands on her hips.

I nod. “Yes, we are coming. Every time we are separated, something bad happens. We are all part of this. Felix is tied up; he can’t hurt us. We all need answers.”

“You are not coming. You have a concussion. You are staying in bed,” Enzo says.

“I’m coming,” I say, getting out of bed. I grab a pair of jeans draped over a chair in the corner and put them on.

Enzo frowns.

So does Langston.

But I’m not taking no for an answer.

And neither is Liesel.

“Remember what you promised?” Enzo asks me.

I nod. “Remember what you promised me?” I hiss.

He nods solemnly.

“Good, then neither of us will put our lives at risk. We are just going to talk,” I say.

“And kill that son of a bitch,” Liesel says, but I’m not sure if she’s trying to lighten the mood or be serious.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark