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“My mother was not a mistake.”

“Kai is. She puts everyone in this company at risk. Get rid of her, and I’ll let you rule. I won’t ruin you. I won’t kill you.”

“You couldn’t kill me if you tried.”

Felix rolls his eyes. “How do you think I was able to sneak onto this yacht, dismantle your security system, so you saw what I wanted you to see, and tied up a dozen of your best men? Father taught me just like he taught you. He knew he needed spare heirs in case you weren’t strong enough.”

His words sink in. Milo was dangerous, but he didn’t have the skills needed. He was strong, but his need for revenge got in the way.

Felix fooled us all.




We all thought Felix was on our side. And he took out a dozen of my best men. He would be a tough opponent. I don’t know who would win.

“Give up Kai, and I’ll let you live. I’ll let you rule. I’ll even join your side.”

“Why do you care who sleeps in my bed?” Kai is so much more than just the woman who sleeps in my bed, but maybe if he doesn’t realize that he won’t care as much.

He laughs. “Don’t try to fool me. You forget, I watched both you and Kai in that prison cell. You both lived and breathed for each other. I know Milo told Kai our true history to try and break you up. But I can already tell from the smug look on your face he failed to end your love for one another. Kai has already forgiven you and fallen back in love with you.”

He speaks the truth, but there is no need to verify it.

“What did Milo tell Kai?”

“The truth.”

“Which is?”

“That you can’t love each other.”


“Because love makes you weak. Our families have been fighting forever to be the strongest. It’s an honor to rule this empire. If you fall in love with each other, there will be consequences—your death. And the death of any person you care about. I will not let you live if you don’t give up Kai. You will put her first every time over this empire. You can choose some random whore to be in your bed, but not Kai Miller. She will never become Kai Black. She will never be allowed to be your wife.”

That’s what Milo told her. That I would be killed if she kept loving me. She had no incentive to heal—no reason to fall back in love with me after what he did.

“I’m sure Milo told Kai a story. This isn’t the first time a Miller and a Rinaldi have fallen in love. It ended in their demise. The death of their child. They never recovered,” Felix says.

I curse under my breath.

“All of those men and women that follow you? As soon as they realize you two love each other, they will come for you. They know the stories from the past. The fools that fell in love almost destroyed the empire for love. They won’t let you and Kai do the same. I won’t let you.”

My anger erupts through my body. “This is ridiculous! Me loving Kai has nothing to do with whether I would be a good leader or not. You just want me gone you so you can make a claim for the throne.”

Felix shrugs. “Maybe, but then I’m giving you an out. Give up the girl, and I’ll back off. I’ll ensure all the men your father charged with keeping you in line never come out of the shadows. You will be free to run the empire how you want. I’ll serve you. We all will follow you wherever you lead us. But if you keep her, I’ll make sure you never wake up again.”

My father did this. He arranged this. He’s controlling me even from the grave. Ensuring I stay cruel, dark, evil. He knew I would fall in love. He may not have anticipated me falling in love with Kai, but he knew I would. And he saw love as a weakness. That’s why he killed my mother. He got rid of his own weakness, and he wants me to do the same with Kai.

“Honestly, I would prefer you don’t give the whore up. I’ve always thought I would make a better leader,” Felix sips his beer cockily.

“Who are you calling a whore?” Kai asks.

Fuck no.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark