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“Warn him about what?”


Langston frowns. “I thought Felix was an ally. He helped us get into Milo’s house.”

“He’s not an ally. He’s Milo’s brother. He’s Enzo’s half-brother. I don’t know what Felix is up to, but it’s not good. Enzo killed Felix’s half-brother, Pietro. Felix and Milo wanted revenge against Enzo. Felix isn’t here to warn Enzo of an attack; he is the attack.”

“Fuck.” Langston pulls out his phone. It rings, but no one answers.

No! Felix doesn’t get to take Enzo from me, not before I even got him back.

“We have to go,” I say.

“No, I have to go. You stay here. It’s safe here.”

I shake my head. “Not happening. I’m coming.”

“Kai, you should stay. The baby—”

“I love him, Langston. I’m coming.”


bsp; Langston sighs, tosses me a pair of my jeans and sweatshirt from his backpack, hands me a gun, and then we are gone. I have no idea what we are about to face. Another danger to add to my growing list. My stomach clenches. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I can’t choose between my baby and Enzo. I have to choose my baby. But I need to warn Enzo first. Then I can run somewhere safe.



I LEAVE KAI ALONE, naked in the bed with a large, stupid grin on my face. My goal is to get back to the yacht and back into bed before she wakes up. It’s early, only four in the morning, and Kai is sleeping hard, so it’s definitely a possibility.

I still hate leaving her. Especially after everything that happened last night. I finally feel like we connected. She never said she loved me, but she didn’t need to, I felt it.

We are finally both feeling the same thing for each other at the same time, and nothing is going to tear us apart. Not this time. This time we are going to go all the way, with rings, a white dress, and I do’s.

All the obstacles left in our way no longer matter. One of us will win the stupid game and produce an heir. If the crew doesn’t want one of us to lead because we don’t have a child, then fine. I don’t care about running an empire. All I care about is Kai.

When Langston told me Felix is here and wants to talk to me about potential threats, I got suspicious. Felix has helped me before, and we became something like friends when Milo held me captive, but it doesn’t mean I trust Felix. We aren’t close enough that he should be here offering his help to me now, not unless he wants something from me.

I pull up the security cameras as I drive over on the small boat to meet up with the yacht where Langston sent Felix to wait for me. Everything looks in order. Most of the men are asleep with just two awake on guard.

Felix is sitting on the main deck, sipping what looks like a beer as he flips through his phone.

Everything looks as it should be. But I’ve learned through doing this job long enough and growing up in this world that just because everything looks right, it doesn’t mean it is. And my gut is sending warning signals left and right that this feels wrong.

I should be in bed with Kai. I should be feeling so elated that I can’t imagine anything else except her. Instead, I’m freezing my ass off in the middle of the night, speeding away from the naked woman I love to meet a man who is most likely going to double-cross me.

Fuck my life.

Fuck it all. If I can find a way to get away from this world, I will. I want to spend the rest of my life fucking Kai in a bed. I don’t need money, or fancy cars, or big houses, or fighting to make me happy. Just her.

I slow the engine of my boat as I approach my yacht. All of the warning bells are going off in my head, but I pretend I don’t notice as I tie my boat off and climb the ladder up.


The familiar sound of a gun cocking behind me as soon as I step on deck tells me I was right about something being off. I should panic, I can feel the barrel of the gun against the base of my head. But the only thing I fear is losing Kai, nothing else compares. And if the man holding the gun wanted me dead, then I would be.

“What are you doing here, Felix?” I ask without moving.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark