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“Alright, let’s get this started. You are all voting based on yesterday’s performance who you think should lead the empire today—Enzo or Kai. The majority rules. But everyone will vote out-loud regardless, so Enzo and Kai understand where they stand with each of the judges,” Archard says. He nods to the first person.

I already forgot all their names. I would make a seriously terrible leader.

“Enzo,” the first man says.



The first three men all voted for Enzo. So he remains the leader. It doesn’t surprise me. All I did yesterday was fire a gun to kill one man, while Enzo fought off an entire team of men trying to kill him.

“Enzo,” the fourth man says, which leaves the lone woman.

“Enzo,” she says.

The vote doesn’t shock me. It’s better that Enzo is the leader. I’m in less danger than if I were in charge. But some part of my ego is hurt just a little. I wouldn’t make that bad of a leader, would I? And I did kill the man in charge of the attack yesterday. But I guess that’s not enough to earn me a single vote.

Enzo’s lips tighten, instead of turning smug like I expect as he stares down the five people that voted.

“Thank you, that ends the vote for today, you can all return to your usual tasks,” Archard says.

But as soon as the words leave his mouth, gunfire erupts.

Enzo’s eyes meet mine; this is what we were afraid was going to happen. Daily attacks to test the leader. From every enemy we’ve ever faced. They’ll be relentless. They will attack daily for a month. A new attack and surprise every day.

This is the worst place for a pregnant woman to be. I need to go lock myself away somewhere or better yet, get off this yacht and away from Enzo. But something keeps me rooted next to Enzo.

He tosses me a gun, which I catch automatically. Is he going to let me fight with him?

“Go lock yourself in my bedroom. It’s the most secure room on the yacht. And don’t open the door for anyone,” Enzo orders.

I frown.

“Go,” he shouts again and then runs off to start giving orders as more guns are fired.


Okay, little one. You win. I’ll keep you safe.

And I know as I head to Enzo’s room to barricade myself how much I will never be able to put Enzo first in my life. This baby will always come first. Always. It’s not fair to Enzo to love him. It’s better if I hate him. And that’s exactly what I plan on doing.



THE DAYS PASS AS A BLUR, each worse than the previous one.

The morning starts with a six o’clock meeting that always ends with a unanimous vote in my favor. It’s beginning to piss me off, because Kai is just as capable, if not better, at leading. But I guess I prefer it this way, it keeps her out of harm's way.

But that isn’t the worst part. The hard part is the relentless attacks—every fucking day.

I will admit, I like fighting. I like the adrenaline pumping through me. I feel alive with a gun in my hand.

But I hate being separated from Kai. And with each day that passes, it seems we grow further apart instead of closer together again. And I can’t stand it. I don’t know what changed since that kiss, but something did. And I’m going to get us back on track, tonight.

I fire my gun again, wishing Langston had returned with more reinforcement. Not because I’m not strong enough to take on an army by myself, but because I need someone else to talk to. He might have an idea of how to get through to Kai. Langston might have an idea of what is happening with Kai.

My last attacker falls.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark