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I can’t love Enzo.

So why is my heart fluttering at the thought of Enzo getting hurt? I thought Milo fixed my problem for feeling anything for this man.

It’s just because I’m a good person, and I don’t want any man to feel any pain. But looking around at the deck, I know I wouldn’t care if any of the rest of the men got punched in the face. I wouldn’t mind watching any of them bleed.

I spot the other yacht pulling up in the distance. I cover my eyes from the sun as I stare at the shiny black yacht that stops next to us.

Liesel stands next to me, as Langston approaches Enzo and whispers something to him.

“What are they talking about?” I ask, Liesel.

“Langston is concerned the attacks are going to get worse each day until the month is over. He wants to gather any members of the crew and allies we trust and put them on high alert to be ready to fight with Enzo. We think Enzo’s father put several sleeper agents on the team for this very challenge. There are only a limited number of people we can trust,” Liesel says.

I nod. I was thinking the same thing.

“Good, I don’t want Enzo to get hurt.”

Liesel gives me a side-eyed glance. “You holding up?”

I nod.

“Good, you can’t let Enzo know. You can’t trust him. He’s failed you before. All you can trust is yourself.”

Her words ring true. I can only trust myself. I can’t trust her. And I know despite her understanding my situation that she has ulterior motives. She loves the same man I used to love—Enzo. And with me out of the picture, she can move in and earn his love. She might carry his child one day after all. While I most likely carry the child of his devil of a half-brother.

I put my hand on my stomach. It doesn’t matter who you came from, little one, you belong to me and I’ll love you all the same.

Which i

s why I can’t fight for this empire either. My baby comes first. And I won’t risk my child’s life to save an empire.

This is Enzo’s fight. And hopefully, I’m never given a chance to fight in this challenge. They all love Enzo. He just needs to prove how strong and powerful he is, because I don’t trust what challenges and obstacles Enzo’s father might have put in our way.

I hear the roar of the small engine of the dingy boat as it makes its way from one yacht to the other. It purrs to a stop, as waves crash in its wake.

Enzo and Langston continue to chat and form a plan as footsteps ascend the ladder.

The five crew members in charge of judging, all take giant steps back.

That can’t be good.

They seem afraid of whoever is climbing the ladder. I know they are afraid of Enzo, too, but with the right amount of balance between fear, respect, and loyalty. They trust Enzo to make the right decision with their lives.

Whoever is climbing up the stairs, they just fear.

Liesel and I both suck in a breath when the man hits the top rung of the ladder.

Holy fuck.

I bite my lip to keep from screaming at the man on the deck. He can’t be the man who wants to challenge Enzo. Maybe he’s the man’s bodyguard or something.

This man is tall, like giant tall. Easily six foot six or taller. His head is shaved, and tattoos cover his entire muscular body. I don’t see a drop of fat anywhere. His hands are covered in grime, and it’s clear he uses them to get shit done. He’s not one of the men who manages a team from an office somewhere. He leads with the power of his body, not his mind.

Enzo is tall. Enzo has muscles, I remind myself.

But this man has a couple of inches in height—several pounds of additional muscle. And more grit than Enzo ever thought of having.

Enzo finishes his conversation with Langston—who nods and then pulls out his cell phone to start making calls as he disappears inside the yacht. He doesn’t seem worried at all by the new man’s appearance. So I shouldn’t either.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark