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“So you see, I’m helping you by stealing the love you feel for Enzo from you. You will be so tortured and pained you won’t be able to love him without some serious healing. But you know you won’t deep down. Because the same thing will happen to you. You will never put those you love at risk just so you can love Enzo again. Let me break you. Let me take that love with me when I leave you.”




I grab my stomach. This baby is at risk, and he or she isn’t even born yet. I won’t let a child be born into this world. I won’t let my child fight in some twisted game. I won’t let my child be used as a pawn by Felix. I won’t let my child come between Enzo and me.

Liesel watches me as I let the truth of the situation pass over me. But I don’t tell her the truth. She can see it on my face though, and she knows the torment I’ve been dealing with and the burden I carry.

“Truth or lie? I have a child,” Liesel says.

My eyes shoot to her, and I know immediately she speaks the truth. “Truth.”

She nods.

But I can’t open my mouth to ask the question that will burn with me until I know the answer. Is Enzo her child’s father?

Liesel will tell me if she wants to. It’s none of my business. So I ask a helpful question instead.

“How did you hide it from Enzo?” Because if I decide to keep this baby growing inside me, then the child will never be safe unless I hide it.

“By giving him up,” she says through tears.

We sit in silence for a moment

as we both cry quietly.

“Truth or lie, I don’t love Enzo Black,” I say.

“Lie,” Enzo says, and I jump.

I don’t know how he got through the locked door, but he’s standing watching the two of us with confusion on his face. He clearly didn’t hear the earlier part of our conversation.

“Truth,” I say, breaking his heart.

And for the first time since I fell for Enzo, I’m speaking the truth. I don’t love Enzo. Milo twisted my feelings. He stole my love. And my unborn child filled that void.

With hard work and time, I could get Enzo’s love back. But in this fucked up world we were born into, I can’t love them both and keep them both alive. So I know I will never try to get the love I feel for Enzo back. I’ll choose not to heal. And in doing so, I will keep my baby, and Enzo, safe.

The End

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Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark