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Milo said he would consider my offer and left. I yelled into the darkness if he killed Enzo, even if Enzo provoked him first, the deal was off. I would never be his.

And I could see in Milo’s eyes as he drove off into the night how badly he wanted me. He wanted me more than he wanted the empire. That’s who Milo is. Women he keeps as slaves are his ultimate goal. Not money, and not power over men. Power over women—that’s what he wants. And I’m his ultimate prize.

I know Enzo tried to make his own deal with Milo. But I know Milo will take my deal, because he loves controlling women more than he loves money and power.

I will save you Enzo. I will save you from any more pain or loss. You’ve already lost too much. I will keep you from losing more.

I find the number Milo gave me to contact him when I’m ready to make the deal. And then I dial.



Enzo’s Lie

“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” Langston asks.

“To make a phone call,” I say, walking back into my private cabins. I don’t need Langston following me and trying to stop me.

The guilt eats at me as I walk. Is it okay to lie to those you love, even to protect them?

I’m sure it’s a sin, but one I’m willing to commit again and again to keep Kai safe.

Because the lies I told her were limitless.

I claimed Milo was dead when we both knew he wasn’t.

I lied when I said I wouldn’t protect her—I always will.

And I lied when I didn’t tell her I loved her.

I should have told her. Maybe that would have changed everything. Or maybe it would have risked everything. Because the only way to keep her safe is to make this deal. She deserves a life free of all of this.

Away from Milo.

Away from Black.

Away from me.

I made a deal that ensures she will be free and protected forever.

As soon as I realized Milo was alive, I lost it. I wanted him dead. But we watched him. After news of Rowan’s death spread, my enemies all converged and sided with Milo. They will all attack together because they see the Black empire as too big, too powerful. I’m too big of a threat. And it would be suicide to fight them all at the same time.

The only way to end Milo and keep Kai safe is to give everything to Milo.

So when I realized Milo was alive, I made a phone call. I offered up everything he has ever wanted. I named him my heir. Found some deep buried blood connection and said if I were to die, he could fight in my place to become Black.

When the games start, Langston will make sure Kai never shows up to fight. Milo will win by default. He will become Black. He will get my entire life's work. He will get what my father and generations of Millers and Rinaldis before fought so hard to build.

He will get to kill me and claim the Black empire. He will get everything he’s ever wanted.

I know Kai made her own deal with Milo. But he won’t take it. She offered him her body, while I’m offering him a chance to kill me and take an entire empire.

Milo will choose my deal. Kai will be safe.

I find Milo’s contact and dial the number. I will sacrifice everything to save her.


Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark