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I moan.

The buzzing continues, and we know he needs to answer it. My cell phone still lies in the bedroom I have yet to use. I like having it there in case I need it, but I also prefer sleeping in Enzo’s arms.

Enzo pulls me to his stomach as he reaches down and grabs the cell phone from the floor.

“This better be important,” Enzo snaps into the phone.

I watch as he listens carefully and then ends the call without speaking.

“Who was that?”

“The real world calling. I need to start going to work on a plan to take out Milo and every man who would step into his place. His empire is similar to ours. Ending Milo won’t end the war. There is always another heir ready to take his place. I have to destroy the entire clan.”

I nod. I know he needs to work. It’s the only way we will ever get off of this yacht. Although, after last night, I don’t plan on ever leaving this yacht again.

He hesitates as he opens his mouth.

“What?” I ask.

“I really don’t want to include you in the Milo stuff, but I will if it’s what you want. I know you are strong and very capable with a gun. But this fight is going to be between men that have been firing guns their entire lives. Used to hand to hand combat. Know how to wield a gun and a hundred different ways to kill. These men watch others die on a regular basis, and I don’t want you anywhere near it when the time comes.

“I promise to share the important details of the plan once we have one, but I don’t want you spending any more of your time thinking about Milo than you have to.” He strokes my cheek. He thinks Milo is who I dread more than the sea. He doesn’t realize the only thing I fear is losing him and having my heart ripped out because I fell in love with the wrong man.

“Go, involve me in what you want to include me in.”

“This isn’t a tactic to get another penalty against me in the games, is it?”

I laugh and kiss him quickly on the lips. “Maybe.” I waggle my eyebrows.

“I’ll win, even if I have to take a penalty.”

“Who is ahead again?”

“You are, baby.” He kisses me again and then throws my clothes at me. “Get dressed if you want to leave this room.”

I sigh but put the clothes on. Someday we are going to have a place where I can go naked everywhere.

I shake my head. There I go again, planning for a future that will never exist.

Enzo dresses too, and we head toward the door that leads to the rest of the yacht and the world. We open the door, and as always, it seems like the entire yacht’s passengers have decided to greet us.

Enzo frowns when he sees Liesel, but I need to stop putting off the inevitable. I need to talk to her. She’s Enzo’s friend. He obviously cares about her, and I need to know how much. I need the two of us to at least get along, and maybe she can help me understand Enzo better if I befriend her.

“Hello, Liesel, would you like to join me for coffee while the boys work?”

She grins. “I’d love to.”

Enzo, Zeke, and Langston all frown at my idea.

“I don’t think that’s the best idea. Why don’t you join us, stingray?” Zeke asks, always protecting me.

I smile at him and wish Liesel would find Zeke or Langston attractive and within her reach, instead of looking at Enzo like he’s already hers.

“No, Liesel and I need some female bonding time. We are tired of the boys running the show all the time. You guys go play with your fancy computers and guns and leave us before a while,” I say.

Zeke tells Enzo with his eyes that he hates it and he can stay back to keep an eye on us.

Langston shrugs, as if to say he’s not getting in the middle of it. Smart man.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark