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I watch her mouth change into a beautiful O shape as she cries out her orgasm. With every other woman, I make her come because it stokes my ego. It makes me feel godlike to know I can control something so intimate. With Kai, simply seeing her orgasm brings me as much pleasure as my own.

Her body settles down, her orgasm finishing its course, and I’m frozen. I just awe in the beauty on her face.

“Enzo? What are you doing?” Kai asks bashfully.

“Watching you.”

She bites her gorgeous lip.

“Aren’t you going to come?”

“Yes, but I didn’t want to ruin this moment. I wanted to be able to watch every second of your orgasm.”

“I’m done now.”

I laug

h. “You aren’t anywhere close to done.”

I pound into her body and watch as her body responds. And I know I’ll pull another orgasm out of her soon.

This woman.

This beautiful, broken woman is going to be the end of me.

She is going to take everything.

My house.

My money.

My men.

My family.

My empire.

It will all be hers by the end. I don’t want the empire any more. It means nothing if I can’t keep her safe. I don’t care about winning; I only care about protecting her.

Tomorrow I’ll do more surveillance of Milo Wallace. He’s her biggest threat at the moment. He’s my new mission. Killing him, and then sending a message to the world that Kai Miller is never to be touched.

Kai may never belong to me, but she doesn’t belong to them either.

She’s like the wild ocean waves, uncontrollable and with the power to take over the world with one crash if she wanted to. Her wrath will eventually decimate me in one mighty hurricane. Because that is who she is. She can pretend she forgives me, but deep down, she will never let that pain go until she destroys me.

Body, heart, and soul.

It will all be claimed by the sea. Kai doesn’t fear the sea anymore because she’s taken on its power.

And I’m fire—even with all its mighty power, I can be easily extinguished with one crash of her waves.

What do you fear now, Kai? How do I protect you? Because I no longer care if I survive, only that you do.

It’s not because I love her; I’m too fucked up for love. But because I believe Kai is truly better than me. She has the power to change everything in our world. She has the power to stop the cycle of Rinaldis and Millers battling each other for a dark world that shouldn’t even exist.

And because the only way to keep my empire and who I am is to give her up now, not wait until the end of the game. The fucking would have to stop. The kissing. The touching. The connecting. All of it needs to end in order to keep myself whole.

But I can’t.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark