MY HEART HEALED—WHOLLY and completely. I forgave the man I thought had sold me. I did the impossible. I was wrong about Enzo. He didn’t sell me. He’s not responsible for all of the hurt I endured for six years.

My father is responsible.

My heart healed, only to break a second later.

Enzo didn’t sell me before, but he did now.

He sold me to Milo Wallace.

Milo—a man I only spent twenty-four hours with and already my body became as scared, broken, and bruised as the entire first month I spent with Jarod. Milo has taken women before, that much is clear. He’s practiced in breaking people slowly and methodically. I still don’t understand how I got out of there without him raping me. Unless, this was his plan the entire time. To let me think I was free, only to buy me back and force me to do whatever he wants.

And I know if Milo gets me back, this time my body won’t be off limits to him. This time I won’t be able to buy my freedom by enduring beatings or giving him a precious ring. This time, Milo will ruin me.

Milo’s coming in an hour, and I’m not sure I can stop him.

Enzo’s words cut through the fog.

I blink rapidly, trying to bring myself back to the real world. I’m standing in the bedroom I’ve shared with Enzo since he took me as his captive. I’ve spent all this time wishing he would set me free, wishing for a way out, but now I’d do anything to continue to be Enzo’s prisoner. I know what Enzo expects of me. And he’d never force me to do anything I didn’t want to do. Enzo would never hurt me, not like Milo would.


I never thought I would be sold again. Never thought I’d be stupid enough to let it happen. But being sold isn’t about being naive. It’s completely out of my control.

I could fight.

I could run.

But I won’t be able to do either without Enzo agreeing. I can’t fight two armies of men.

One hour.

That’s how much time I have.

One fucking hour left of freedom, if you can even call my current situation free.

I should be talking to Enzo about what he’s going to do to try to keep from letting me go. Or what his plan is to get me back if he does have to give me to Milo.

But I can’t.

My heart hurts too much.

Enzo betrayed me, even after I did everything to try and protect him.

It fucking hurts.

I feel a tear well up, but I won’t let it fall. Enzo doesn’t get to see my pain. And neither does Milo when he arrives.

I’m numb—that’s where I’ll go. My body has prepared time and time again for this exact situation. I’m not even scared anymore. My body will lockdown for as long as I need to survive.

Enzo says something to me, but I don’t hear it. I’ve already locked him out. He doesn’t get to see inside my mind. He lost the right to talk to me, to touch me, to be anything other than my enemy.

His mouth moves again, but my ears have learned to filter out the sound.

The door opens, and Langston and Zeke enter.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark